Sunday, May 25, 2008
Thought for the day 26.05.08
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Many poisonous gases and other chemicals are poured into the atmosphere everyday as waste products from power stations, factories and cars. Two of these waste gases are Sulphur dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen Oxide (NO) which get mixed with the moisture in the air and become Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4) and Nitric Acid (H2NO3) respectively. These acids are absorbed by the rain clouds and the rain which falls is a weak acid. This phenomenon is called Acid Rain. Acid rain is a perfectly normal and essential phenomenon. But we, with our highly industrialized society, have added a great deal more of these gases to the natural system and begun to overload the natural system and its controls.
1. World wide some 100 million tonnes of Sulphur a year enters the atmosphere as a result of human activities, like:
a) Burning of fossil fuels without adequate treatment of the resultant products.
b) Vehicle exhausts also contribute a significant amount of pollutants which increases the degree of acidification.
c) Untreated sewage- It is often discharged into the sea. This helps stimulate the growth of those algae that generate dimethylsulphide which quickly oxidizes in the atmosphere above the seas to give sulphur dioxide.
2. Modern farming with its heavy inputs of artificial fertilizers plays havoc with natural cycles. Synthetic fertilizers contain high proportion of nitrogen in the form of nitrates or ammonium salts. At least 10% of this evaporates directly into the atmosphere.
3. Poisonous gases like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide from coal-fired power stations and factory chimneys. By building tall chimneys to clean up urban areas, Industry has merely succeeded in dispersing acid rains.
Rain clouds are carried over great distance by the wind. This acid rain can fall a long way from the place where the gases first entered the atmosphere. The global environment is thus damaged.
It kills trees and destroys many wildlife habitats. Vast stretches of forest in Europe and the Unites States have been destroyed by acid rain. It has been estimated that the damaging effects of acid rain in Europe causes the loss of timber worth over $20 billion every year.
When Acid Rain falls into lakes, rivers or sea, it harms the fish, plants and other water-life. It can pollute drinking water supply and can directly affect human health.
It can weaken the stonework of structures and buildings.
Acidification also alters the chemistry of soil. Soluble toxic minerals such as lead, aluminium, cadmium, mercury etc. which normally remain harmlessly bound to the particles of the soil, get dissolved in the acids and are available to plants with disastrous effects. Part of it is also washed out into water supply adversely affecting human and marine life.
It damages the crops and makes the soil infertile and acidic.
Monday, May 19, 2008
An Earnest Request
More than the sky which give us rain,
More than the star which gives us light,
More than the aim which gives us life,
More than anything and everything,
More than this whole universe,
You are the only one, the Almighty!
Oh! God, please do save my pleople,
Please do save my planet,
Please do save anything and everything
That you have created.
Thought for the day 20.5.08
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Thought for the day 19.5.08

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Thought for the day 18.5.08

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Friday, May 16, 2008
Thought for the day 17.05.2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Thought for the day 16.5.08

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Thoughts for the day 15.5.08

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Thought for the day - 14-5-08

$$$$$....... LIFE.......$$$$$
Monday, May 12, 2008
Thought for the Day -- 13.05.2008

Carrot / pumpkin Ladoo
Carrot/pumpkin -------------- 500 gm
Sugar -------------- 200 gm
Dry coconut (ground) --------- 50 gm
Ghee/ oil ---------------- 1 teaspoon
1. Wash, peel& grate carrots/pumpkin,
2. Heat ghee/oil add grated carrot/pumpkin and cook till soft,
3. Add sugar, continue cooking till the water dries up and remove from fire.
4. Cool slightly and make small balls,
5. Roll balls in coconut powder.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Thought for the day 12.5.2008

It is the place for keeping happiest moments.
Let your heart be happy always .
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Thought for the day .... 11-05-2008

Friday, May 9, 2008
Thought for the day 10-05-2008

Mixed vegetable Pickle
Mixed vegetable pieces ---------------- 1 kg
Red chillie powder ---------------- 80-100 gm
Mustard powder ---------------- 25 gm
Turmeric powder --------------- 10 gm
Methi powder ---------------- 10 gm
Asafoetida powder ---------------- 1 gm
Chopped onions ---------------- 50 gm
Lime juice ----------------- 150 ml
Tamarind ---------------- 100 gm
Citric acid ---------------- 5- 10 gm
Salt ---------------- 100 gm
Gingely oil ---------------- 400 gm
Method: Mix vegetables with salt and turmeric powder and dry in the sun for 2-3 hours. Heat oil and add mustard and asafetida. Fry the vegetables for 15 to 20 minutes. Add all powders and fry. Finally add limejuice, add a pinch of a sodium benzoate and kMS (Pot. Meta. Bisulphate ) Bottle in clean and dry bottles.
Note: The quantity of salt, vinegar and oil are important in pickles and to be maintained. For long shelf life. The quantity of spices can be altered as required.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Thought for the day 09-05-2008

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Thought for the day 08-05-08
Tomato Pickle
Tomato -------------------------- 1 Kg
Salt ------------------------------ 100 gm
Fenugreek seed powder ------- 2 tsp
Red chillie powder ------------- 75 gm
Tamarind ----------------------- 100 gm
Asafoetida ---------------------- a pinch
Mustard seeds ------------------ 2 tsp
Gingely oil ---------------------- 250 ml
Vinegar ------------------------- 6 tsp
Citric acid ---------------------- 1 tsp
Method: wash firm ripe tomatoes and cut into small pieces. Heat oil and season mustard. Then add cut tomatoes and fry well. Add a thick extract of tamarind and bring to boil. Add all powdered spices and salt and cook for a few minutes till oil separates. Finally add vinegar and remove from fire. Add a pinch of sodium benzoate and bottle.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

உயிà®°் இழந்த ஆன்à®®ாக்கள் சாந்தி அடைய பிà®°ாà®°்த்திக்கிà®±ேன்.
Thought for the day 07-05-2008
Pickles and Chutneys
Method: Lime peels, after extracting the juice can be pickled. Add 200 g. of salt to 1 Kg. Lime peel and soak them in 20% citric acid solution for one week. (50 g. of citric acid dissolved in 250 ml. Water) adding 10 g. Of turmeric powder. For curing.
After the peels become soft, heat 300 g ., gingely(till) oil, season with 10 g. Mustard and pinch of asafetida. And add to the peels. Keep in tight glass containers.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Thought for the day ..... 06.05.08

Jams and jellies ... Recipe
Fruits rich in pectin are apple, guava, Papaya, wood apple, lemon peel etc.
Fruits having medium pectin are blue grapes, pineapples, straw berries, plums, bananas etc.
Fruits with low pectin are watermelons, muskmelons, tomato etc.
However, the amount of pectin present in fruits varies according to the stage of ripening of fruits. Just ripened fruits have maximum pectin.
The important constituents in the preparation of jams and jellies are pectin, sugar and acid in correct proportion. Jelly is transparent and can be used in the place of jam. Excess sugar or over cooking make the jam/jelly hard and excess acid or low sugar make them watery. Correct setting is required for long shelf life of these products.
1. mixed fruit jam
Fruit pulp……………………………….. 1 Kg.
Sugar ……………………………….. 1 kg.
Citric acid ……………………………… 1 ½ tsp
Red colour……………………………… Sufficient quantity
Cocktail essence…………………… ½ tsp
Sodium benzoate (S.B)……….. a pinch
Preparation of pulp
Wash the fruits, peel and cut into small pieces. Add 50-100 ml. Water and cook till the pieces become soft. Pass through a sieve.
Method: Mix pulp and sugar and boil till end point is reached. Add citric acid just before removing. The end point can be determined by looking for bubbles at the sides of the vessel while heating or by sheet method or plate method.
Sheet Method: Take a small quantity of the boiling mixture in a wooden ladle, cool and drop slowly. If the jam is ready, it will fall in the form of a sheet.
Plate Method: Drop a small quantity of boiling mixture on a porcelain/stainless steel plate. Cool, and tilt the plate. When the mixture slides down as a single mass then the jam is ready.
Jelly: This can be prepared by boiling a pectin rich fruit like guava, woodapple, karonda in water, straining, mixing the strained extract with sugar and acid and by boiling to a sage at which it will form clear gel. An ideal jelly is clear, transparent and firm.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Thought for the day ....... 05.05.2008

Ginger Murabba – Recipe
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Thought for the day 04-05-2008


All of us know that without sun there would be no life on earth. Without sun light we cannot make food and, there would be nothing for us to eat.
The sun also makes the wind blow and the ocean currents flow. Its heat makes clouds, rain, snow and all the climatic changes on our planet.
We can utilize the light or heat which comes from the sun. There are many different ways to use solar energy. Satellites are also working with the help of giant solar panels. Plants grow with the help of solar energy. We are getting rain from clouds with the help of solar energy. So solar energy is existing, since the sun was born.
It is amazing to note that the Greeks were the first to use solar architecture, over 2000 years ago. They built their houses so the Sun’s rays entered during the winter, but weren’t able to enter during the summer. Entire city were built this way. The Romans got the idea to put glass in windows, which allowed the sun’s light to pass through but trapped its heat. 700 hundred years ago people used simple magnifying glasses to concentrate the light of the sun into beams so hot they caught wood on fire. In 1700s some one in Europe found out that water could be boiled by collecting the sun’s heat behind a few panes of glass. A water heater using solar energy. In 1920s people heated their water with solar hot water heaters. Fifty years ago a new technology was invented using solar panels to turn the sun’s light directly into electricity.
There are endless ways to use solar energy. All these ways can be divided into two basic categories. First one is, Solar thermal Energy. We can use the sun’s energy to heat things he water in our houses, the food in a solar cooker and so on. This is done with the help of solar thermal energy. Thermal means heat, so solar thermal energy just means heat energy from the sun.
In the 2nd way we can use solar energy is to turn light from the sun directly into electricity, using solar panels. Solar electric panels are made up of silicon, the same thing that makes up sand. There is more silicon on the planet than almost anything else. But making a solar panel is difficult and expensive. The silicon has to be heated to super high Temperatures in a big factory, and then formed into very thin wafers. When sunlight hits a solar panel, it makes electrons in the silicon move around. The electrons flow through wires that were built into the solar panel and thus we have electricity. We can do whatever we want with this electricity, run a calculator, a CD player etc. In order to use it in night time or when sun stops shining on solar panel, a battery is attached. The batteries are big, heavy, rectangular boxes, sort of like car batteries. Electricity from a solar panels flows into attached batteries while the sun shines, and then the stored electricity in the batteries can be used at night, or when the sun is behind the clouds. The average size of a solar system that completely powers a house is 2,000 watts. That’s not a lot of power just enough to run 20 or 30 light bulbs. To makes 2,000 watts of power we need solar panels that are about 24 feet long by 10 feet high. That’s about as long as one and a half cars and a little higher than most of your ceilings. We can save energy by using solar energy. Solar ovens needs no electricity, gas or wood to work, they cook food using sunlight. Solar cookers can also be used to make water safe to drink, make doctor’s tools safe to use, and heat water for laundry. Anything you can cook in a normal oven. Though solar energy is more expensive when compared to ordinary electricity made by coal plant, it is safe for the environment and hence solar energy is not much expensive.
Most of the rich people, upper Middle class families in Madurai are not accustomed to use solar energy. Solar water heater may be installed in their houses and thus they may help to save electricity. Nowadays, there are a lot of apartments built in and around Madurai. Promoters may come forward to use solar energy by installing solar panels to get light in the common area and fix solar heaters to each flat. Government may also come forward to give subsidiaries in installing solar water heater, solar cookers etc. Bank and financial institution may also come forward to sanction loans for using solar energy in domestic use and give necessary propaganda for using solar energy. Many people are being residing in the extension area in Madurai. It will take more time for the Government to erect street lights in those area. So people from that area can join hands and come forward to utilize solar energy and can light up their area.
Tuity fruity (Raw Papaya Preserves)
Raw papaya pieces cut in to small cubes ------ 1 Kg
Sugar ------------------------------------------ 1 ½ Kg
Citric acid ------------------------------------------ ½ tsp
Water ------------------------------------------- ½ liter
Method: Dice peeled raw papaya, blanch in boiling water for 10 minutes and dip the pieces in cold water. Dissolve sugar in ½ liter water by boiling, and filter. Add sufficient quantity of colour and soak the piece for 24 hours. Next day drain out the syrup, and boil sugar syrup for 15-20 minutes. Add pieces and soak for 24 hours. Third day also repeat the 2nd day’s process. Fourth day add citric acid and heat the mixture to thread consistency. Drain the syrup and dry the pieces. Pack in polythene bags.
Note: Blanching is dipping the pieces in boiling water for a specified time and then sudden cooling by dipping in water of normal temperature. This treatment destroys enzymes and softens the vegetables.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Every Drop is PRECIOUS

Thought for the day
Life becomes sweeter with a little dose of denial; if you satisfy all your desires, life begins to turn insipid. Deny yourselves may of the things your mind runs after and you will find that you become tough enough to bear both good fortune and bad.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Lemon Barley Water
Lemon juice ----------------------------------- 1 litre
Sugar ----------------------------------- 2.5 Kg
Water ----------------------------------- 1 litre
Barley flour ----------------------------------- 3 tsp
KMS ----------------------------------- ½ tsp
Method : Make a paste of barley powder, with little water and gradually add the entire quantity of water given. Heat the mixture till it becomes clear. Add sugar and dissolve. Filter, cool and mix with the juice. Add essence and KMS. Store in clean bottles.
Note: Addition of citric acid helps in (1) clarification of sugar syrup,(2) balancing of taste and (3) prevention of recrystallization of sugar.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Thought for the day

Thought for the day - 02-05-2008
The cause of man's suffering is that he has constricted his love to himself and his family. He should develop a broad feeling that all are his brothers and sisters. Expansion of love is life; contraction of love is death.
Thought for the day - 01-05-2008
When an iron filing comes in contact with a magnet, the iron filing also gets the properties of a magnet. Likewise, the knower of Brahman (the Universal Absolute) becomes Brahman. You are all children of immortality, you are eternal. The relationship between you and God is eternal. The body changes through many births, but the mind and deeds continue from birth to birth. Just as an accountant totals the accounts of the day and carries the balance over onto the next day, our mind follows to the next life. You should be able to control the mind by controllilng the senses, then you can merge iln truth and experience oneness with God.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Grape Crush
Grape juice--------------- 1 litre
Sugar --------------- 2 Kg
Water --------------- 1 litre
Citric acid --------------- 4-5 tsp
Tonovin(essence)------- 4 tsp
Sodium Benzoate------- 1 tsp
Method: Wash grapes, crush with wooden crusher and boil for 10 minutes. Strain the juice. Prepare the syrup as in the case of pineapple squash. The same recipe can be used for other crushes also.