Sunday, November 30, 2008
twenty sixth incidents

Friday, November 28, 2008
Some interesting facts
1) Chewing gum .... while peeling onion will keep you away from crying...
2) Dalmations are born without spots
3) Bats always turn left when existing a cave
4) Men's shirt have buttons on the right, but women's shirts have on the left
5) Everytime you sneez, some of your brain cells die
6) When you blush, your stomach lining also turns red
We live in a funny nation, where pizza reaches home faster than the Ambulance or Police...!
"Lighter Joke" but "bitter truth"
Believe in yourself
In tough times you will always find two hands eagerly waiting to help you and those hands will be your own hands ...... Kennady
Attitude to live
Laugh like you have never cried.
Play like you have never lost.
Love like you have never been hurt.
Live like there is no tomorrow........
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
God is reflected in the medium of Nature
God can be realised only through love. God will not reside in a heart devoid of love, which is like a desert. Other paths develop conceit, separating man from man and man from beast. They contract and do not reach out, shrinking your awareness of the Divine. Love is expansion, and expansion is divine life.
Sow love – it will blossom as compassion and tolerance. It will yield the fruit of peace. God is reflected in the medium of Nature; in everything His image can be perceived.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thoughts shape our Nature

We become what we contemplate on. When we fix our thoughts all the time on the evil that others do, our mind gets polluted by evil. When, on the contrary, we fix our mind on the virtues and well-being of others, our mind is cleansed of wrong and entertains only good thoughts. No evil thought can penetrate the mind of a person wholly given to love and compassion. Thus, our thoughts shape our nature.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The Grace of the Lord
You can call Me Premaswarupa (the embodiment of Love). Prema is the wealth I have and which I spread among all. I have no other riches. The Grace of the Lord is always flowing like the electric current through the wire. Fix a bulb and the current will illumine your house. The bulb is the Sadhana (spiritual practice) you perform, the home is your heart. Come to Me gladly; dive into the sea and discover its depth. There is no use playing in the shallow waters and lamenting that the sea has no pearls. Dive deep and you will secure your heart's desire.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Control the sense
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai BABA
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Test your IQ
1.There are three rooms...
first room full of fire, second full of thorns on floor, third full of lions not eaten for years
Which rooms the safest to enter?
2.Can you name three consecutive days other than using words Monday, Tues day etc.. till Sunday?
3.Maker doesn’t want it, buyer doesn’t use it, user doesn’t see it. What is it?
1.Third room… Lions will be dead if not eaten for two years
2.Yesterday, today, tomorrow
3.A Coffin
Are you fluent in English?
Very fluent?...
Read it fastly “Upper roller lower roller Roller lower Roller Upper”
1) Three students…. did not prepare for a test.
They made a plan.
They went to the DEAN next morning and said “Sir we had gone for a wedding and our car tyre bursted. So we had to push all the way and could not study. The Dean agrees and gives them 3 days time. After three days all three were seated in different rooms. The paper consisted of just one question.
Which tyre bursted..?
1.Front right
2.Front left
3.Back right
4.Back left
Clever Dean…..
2) A disappointed salesman of Coca Cola returns from his Middle East assignment.
Friend : Why weren’t you successful with the Arabs?
Salesman: When I got posted in the Middle East, I was very confident that I will become a good salesman as Coco Cola is virtually unknown there. But I did not know Arabic. So, I planned to convey the message through three posters..
1st Poster.. a man crawling through the hot desert sand, totally exhausted.
2nd poster.. the man is drinking our Cola and
3rd poster… our man is now totally refreshed. Then these posters were posted all over the place
Friend: That should have worked
Salesman: Oh.. I did not realize that Arabs Read from Right to Left……….
Friday, November 14, 2008
Excellent words
Do you know what is this?
It is a palindrome..!
Read it backwards.
You can get the same sentence.
Meaningful Quote:
None are so poor that they have nothing to give, and none are so rich that they have nothing to receive.
Excellent words:
Clever is when you belive only half of what you hear, but brilliant is when you know which half to believe
Bond meets an Andhra guy.
Bond: My name is bond (smiles and then says) James Bond
Bond: You?
Andhra Guy: I am Naidu
Venkata Naidu
Siva Venkata Naidu
Lakshminarayana Siva Venkata Naidu
Srinivasalu Laaxmi Narayan Siva Venkata Naidu
Rajasekara Srinivasalu Laxminarayan Siva Venkata Naidu
Sitaram Rajasekara Srinivasalu Laxminarayan Siva Venkata Naidu
Bommiraju Sitaramana Rajasekara Srinivasalu Laxminarayana Siva Venkata Naidu
Bond committed Sucide........
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Unity in diversity
Bagavan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Monday, November 10, 2008
Worthless Coin

How sad it is that human life, precious as a priceless diamond, has been treated as a worn out, worthless coin! There is no use repenting after having wasted one's time without meditating on God, or practising any other Sadhana (spiritual exercise) to realise Him. What is the use of digging a well for water when the house is already on fire? To begin contemplation on God during the end of one's life is like beginning to dig the well when the fire is already raging on.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Few facts about Kashmir

2.Kashmir People having dual citizenship.
3.Outsiders cannot buy a single feet of Land.
4.If a Kashmir Girl marry a outsider, she losses her citizenship immediately.
5.This Indian State only have own Flag.
6.There is no land tax and property tax for them.
7.In Kashmir Rice, Wheat, Sugar, oil prices are same for the past 50 years. Because of this Central Government of India loss Rs.1000 crores per year.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
How to Get Happiness:
Vocabulary Genius:
The person who cooked up this sentence must be a vocabulary GENIUS “I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting nevertheless , extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality counterbalancing indecipherability, transcendentalizes intercommunications’ incomprehensibleness”. This is a completely meaningful sentence where the 9th word is nine long. eg. 3rd word is 3 letters long, 8th word is 8 letters long.
Letter to God…
Thank you very much for sending the money. However I noticed that you have sent it through Finance Ministry in New Delhi and those donkeys deducted Rs. 30 as tax.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Give Joy to all by singing Bhajan

What is required is the transformation of the heart. All bad thoughts and feelings should be expelled from the heart. We should whole-heartedly participate in Bhajans. It should not be a mechanical ritual. Once your heart is filled with sacred thoughts and feelings, they will be reflected in your Bhajan-singing. Through your singing, you should give joy to all the participants.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Nature - Better Instructor

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Some interesting facts
2.The lion that roars in the MGM logo is named Volney.
3.Google is actually the common name for a number with a million zeros.
4.Switching letters is called spoonerism. For example, saying jag of Flapan, instead of flag of Japan.
5.It cost 7 million dollars to build the Titanic and 200 million to make a film about it.
6.The attachment of the human skin to muscles is what causes dimples.
7.There are 1792 steps to the top of the Eiffel Tower
Golden Words by King Martin Luther
If you can’t fly, run
If you can’t run, walk,
if you can’t walk, crawl.
But whatever you do, keep moving towards your goal ... !
A man dies and goes to hell. There he finds different hell for each State. He first goes to Karnataka hell and the punishment is put him to an electric Chair. Then he entered into Tamil Nadu State hell. A big que was there and he asked why there is huge line and devil replied that electric chair is not working due to power cut. Tamil Nadu Government Rockz in hell also...!!!!!