
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Affection, attachment, desire are natural to man and direct these qualities towards God

Service to God has been described as Bhakti (devotion). The heart of the devotee overflows with love for the Lord through constant remembrance and recitation of His name. Out of this stream of love, devotion emerges. One who is nourished by the nectar of Bhakti will not desire anything. To be unaffected by joy or sorrow, gain or loss, praise or blame, to remain steadfast and unwavering in faith is the hallmark of true devotion. Affection, attachment, desire are natural to man. However, when these qualities are directed towards God and when one is continuously engaged in good deeds, these qualities acquire purity and sacredness. Then one becomes not just a great soul but God Himself.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Recognise the truth

God is the basis of everything. He is omnipotent, omniscient and pervades all creation. Who can say that only this is Brahman (God) and that is not. The only eternal, existent entity is Brahman. The rest is all evanescent. Just as without cotton, there can be no cloth, similarly, there can be no world without God. Do not mistake this Deha (physical body) as real. It is the Dehi (indwelling Divinity) that is the true reality. This Divinity is beyond birth and death, the one without any beginning or end, and is the eternal witness. Recognise this truth.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Change your vision from outward to inward

The true dwelling place of God is the heart of man. You don’t need to go in search of God. Not being able to recognize your innate divinity is Ajnana (ignorance). You have to enquire into the reason for this ignorance. This is mainly because you follow the Pravritthi Marga (outward path) all your life under the influence of the sense organs, which are drawn towards external objects. You are not making any effort to follow the Nivritthi Marga (inward path). Thus, you are fully engrossed in the outward activities and are completely neglecting the inward path. You see everything from a worldly point of view and do not recognize the Divinity that pervades it. You have to make an effort to change your vision from outward to inward to perceive this Divinity.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Character is the true ornament of Man

Character is the true ornament of man. The loss of this ornament is the source of all his suffering and misery. Man does not realize the purpose for which he has been created by God. God’s creation is pregnant with profound truths, mysteries and ideals. But man has forgotten these ideals. He is unable to appreciate the significance of his legacy. Of all the powers in the world, human power is the greatest. Man assigns value to everything in this world, but he is unable to recognize his own value.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Be cheerful and smiling under all circumstances

Never rejoice when you are praised or get dejected when you are blamed; be a spiritual lion unaffected by both. Be cheerful and smiling under all circumstances. Depression, doubt and conceit are harmful to spiritual aspirants. But when one's devotion is well established, even if these appear, they can be easily discarded.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Prema (Love) is beyound thought, word and deed

Sathya or Truth is realized by the Sadhana (spiritual discipline) of the tongue. Dharma (righteous living) is realized by the Sadhana of the individual through right conduct in relation to the society. Man can attain Shanti (peace and equanimity) by discipline of the mind. Prema (love) is beyond thought, word and deed. To consider it as a manner of speech, an attitude of mind or as physical trait is to demean it. Love is God. God is Love. The Divine Love is not easily comprehensible. Love has no trace of selfishness; it is not led by ulterior motives.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, March 9, 2009


Every person may not be good, but there is always something good in every person. Never judge anyone because every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.

Opportunities are never lost – someone will take the ones that you miss. So be aware of every opportunities

No one will manufacture a lock without a key…. similarly, GOD will not give problems without solutions..
So face it, surely you can win…

Success without a positive attitude is called luck. Success with a positive attitude is called achievement. Be an achiever always.

A blind man was begging on side of Newyork Street with a board written “ I am blind please help me”
Once a guy passing that side saw him. He took his board and wrote some thing. From that time the blind man got heavy collection. Can you guess what he wrote? He wrote “To day is a beautiful day but I can’t see it”

Moral: The way you can express, will change many things…

Even a correct decision is wrong when it was taken too late….
So do not delay to take decisions which turns your life….

Others laughed, because I am Different. I laughed because all are same….”Swami Vivekananda”
dare to be different !

Women in Men’s Life..
I was born, a woman was there to hold me…….. My Mother
I grew as a child, a woman was there to care for me…….My Sister
I went to a school, a woman was there to help me learn….. My Teacher
I became depressed, whenever I lost. A woman was there to offer a shoulder …. My Wife
I became tough, A woman was there to melt me…… My daughter
I am dying, a woman is there to absorb me in……My Mother Land
If you are a man, value every Woman…..

If you happen to be a woman………………..

................................................................................................................Don’t behave like a devil

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thought for the Day

We are unable to comprehend the Atma (spirit) directly. We believe in the existence of the Atma on the strength of the statements made by the great sages who have had the experience of it and who have conveyed it through their teachings. When the Divine is described as One without attributes, eternal, pure, free and self-effulgent, this description will not make the Brahman (God) visible to us. It is only when the state of Brahman is realised by us that its existence is validated to us.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, March 6, 2009

Thought for the Day

Every person is likely to commit mistakes without being aware of it. However bright the fire, black smoke is bound to emanate from it. So also, whatever good deeds a man may perform, there will be mixed with it, a trace of evil. Efforts should be made to minimise the evil so that the good is progressively more.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, March 2, 2009

Thought for the Day

What is the reason for the misery of people all over the world? They have forgotten the Divine basis of creation. They have ignored the One Absolute Principle underlying the whole creation. All lives lived without faith and devotion to the One Supreme Lord are useless. Lives spent without tasting the nectar of the Divine Principle are wasted opportunities. The Lord has given man the instruments for developing the intellect and discrimination. If he uses them well and tries to realize the divinity in himself, the Lord will add unto him fresh talent and the sources of power, for He is ever full of grace towards aspirants.

- Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba