
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thoght for the Day

The Sadhaka (spiritual aspirant) must be vigilant not to lose his temper on trivial and petty matters, for that will retard his progress. Anger must be sublimated by systematic effort. One must resist the impulse to enter into discussions and arguments, for this breeds a spirit of rivalry and leads one towards feelings of anger and vengeance. Anger is at the root of all wrong behaviour. Hence, cultivate love towards all beings and thus keep undesirable habits and tendencies at bay.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, October 19, 2009

Thought for the Day

If you wish to lead an ideal life, you have to follow the example of the Avatars (Divine incarnations). Avatars may appear in human form, but you should not equate them with ordinary mortals. In physical form, both may appear alike. But there is a fundamental difference. You should not mistake the cotton fruit for the mango. When man strays away from the path of righteousness, God comes in human form to reform him. Birds, beasts and insects lead lives according to their specific nature. It is only man who has given up all righteousness, forgotten his divine essence and degraded his humanness. The Avatar has to protect the good, reform the erring and punish the wicked.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sound is the first attribute of God

Sound is the first attribute of God. The hymns of the Vedas constitute Naadha Brahman (God in the form of sound), which is highly potent. Even if you cannot chant the Vedas, mere listening to the recitation of the Vedas is itself capable of purifying your mind and elevating you to a higher level. Though the child does not know the meaning of the lullaby sung by its mother, it is induced to sleep hearing the tune. Similarly, listening to the chanting of the Vedas with undivided attention will confer upon you immense benefit. If you ruminate over it and practise its teachings in your life, you can imagine the magnitude of the bliss you will attain.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, October 9, 2009

One who lacks sense control is worse than an animal

What is the purpose of human birth? It is not merely to eat, drink and make merry. Paropakarartham Idam Shariram (human body is meant to serve others). Man should dedicate himself to the service of society. God has endowed man with all powers. But, he is bound by the senses, which lead him to both good and evil ways. Hence, it is the foremost duty of man to make proper use of the senses. One who lacks sense control is worse than an animal. Firstly, one should get rid of one's animal qualities. Only then, can one rise to the level of the Divine.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thought for the Day

Focus your mind on one goal and do not allow it to waver. You have to hold on to it till the very end. There is only one Divinity. Stick to any one form of God of your choice and hold firm to it. If you keep transplanting a sapling from one place to another frequently, how can it grow into a healthy tree? You have to plant it in one place and water it regularly until it grows into a strong tree. This is true devotion. If you keep changing your spiritual guides frequently, your devotion gets adulterated. Do not resort to such a course. Choose any one, and trust that God is in all.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thought for the Day

Man is the storehouse of every mineral, metal and energy that the earth contains. He has in him electric, magnetic and several other forms of energy. Sadly, man does not realise this. There is the enormous strength of Divinity latent in him that enables him to do anything that he sets his mind on. Man's many achievements are mere glimpses of the great potential that is latent in him. All he needs is to have the will and the determination to realise this strength and potential.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba