1)The cow secretes milk for the sustenance of the calf; the calf is its chief beneficiary. But, as we see, others too benefit from this milk. So too, though the devotees are the primary cause and their sustenance is the prime purpose; other incidental benefits such as fostering of righteousness, suppression of evil and the wicked also happen in the mission of an Avatar. God is above and beyond all the limits of time and space, and no list of characteristics and qualities can describe Him completely. The place and the Form of the Avatar are chosen such that they promote the purpose of fulfilling the yearning of the devotees.
2)The Jagath (world) is unreal, non-existent, and the mistaken notion that it is real has to be renounced. The understanding that the idea of Jagath is a superimposition by our mind on the Reality is Jnana (Spiritual Wisdom). Though the objective world appears real, one must be aware that it is deluding us. Therefore, one has to give up the yearning for deriving pleasure from the objects that appear and attract, both here and hereafter. Thus, one is liberated as soon as one renounces all attachment and desires. The ajnana (ignorance) can be destroyed only with Atma Vidya (knowledge of the Divine Self). When this illusion disappears, the ups and downs that one faces in Samsara (the ever-changing world) also gets destroyed.
3)In olden times, when in any region, the people were sunk in fear or anxiety, or when the sources of joy and contentment ran dry, they traced the cause for the calamity to some fault or failure in the worship offered to God in the temples of that area. They sought to identify these mistakes and correct them, so that they could have inner peace. They believed that the crisis could be controlled through these means. Such acts are now bundled together and called superstitions, and are cast aside. This is not superstition at all. The ancients grasped the supreme truth only after personally experiencing its validity.
4)People today believe that they are the body, the senses, etc. and crave for objective pleasures. They convince themselves that this pleasure is wanted by them and under this mistaken notion, they seek to fulfill their cravings. They delude themselves that they can secure bliss by catering to the body and the senses. Such attempts cannot earn bliss. The pleasure obtained from external objects brings grief along with it and such attempts to obtain pleasure is rewarded with disillusionment, defeat and disaster. The three source texts (Upanishads, Brahma Sutras and Bhagavad Gita) clearly call out that YOU are the very embodiment of Ananda
5)The name ‘Bhagavatha’ can be applied to every account of the experiences of those who have contacted God and the Godly. God assumes many forms and enacts many activities. The title ‘Bhagavatha’ is given to the description of the experiences of those, who have realized Him, who have been blessed by His Grace and chosen as His instruments. By Bhagavatha, we also mean those, who are attached to God, who seek the companionship of God. To be in the midst of such devotees is to foster one's own devotion. The experience of devotees is a panacea that cures physical, mental and spiritual illnesses.
6)Every living being craves for happiness. It does not long for misery. Some desire the acquisition of riches, some believe that gold can make them happy. Some amass articles of luxury, some collect vehicles, but everyone is set upon obtaining things that one believes can give him/her joy. But those who know wherefrom one can get happiness are very few in number. Sathwic happiness is of the nature where it appears to be poison in the beginning, but turns into nectar later. This happiness is secured through the awareness of the Self using the preliminary sadhana of sama (control of the senses), dama (control of emotions), etc. which has to be initially gone through, and appears hard and unpleasant. It involves struggle and effort. So the reaction may be bitter. This type is Sathwic happiness
7)Involvement in objective pleasure leads ultimately to grief. So, you must direct yourself towards the right means to attain bliss. Where can you gain bliss from? It is not inherent in external objects. Though external objects appear to bring pleasure, they bring in grief as well. The Upanishads, the Brahma Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita clarify the truth that you are the very embodiment of bliss. The scriptures clarify the truth and help everyone attain the highest wisdom.
8)God is above and beyond all the limits of time and space. For Him, all beings are equal. The difference between man, beast, bird, worm, insect and even God is but a difference of the 'vessel' (the upadhi). It is like the electric current that flows through various devices and expresses itself in many different functions. There is no distinction in the current; it is the same. So too, the one single God activates every creature and gives rise to manifold consequences. The ignorant feel that all devices are distinct. The wise see only the one uniform current. God appreciates the consciousness of unity as the basic motive of all acts.