1.The One who has visualized the Atma principle that animates all can never condemn the religion of anyone. Such a person will never enter into any religious squabble or conflict, or talk in a light or demeaning manner about another’s faith, or disturb or despise the faith held by someone else. Only the ignorant with no spiritual experience, only those who do not know the depths of Truth, will embark upon the condemnation of the faith of others. It is very unbecoming of man to indulge in or encourage religious conflicts, to ridicule the rites and ceremonies through which others adore God, and to label the religious practices of other people as ‘superstitions’. For, each one has accepted the practice and holds on to it, since it confers ananda (joy) to them!
2.Be unaffected by illusion (maya). The intellect (buddhi) in us is the witness of everything that happens in this objective world. These worldly occurrences limit and colour the intellect; they affect it and mould it into consciousness (chaithanya). Illusion is nothing but the intellect as affected by everything, as warped and twisted by our worldly impressions. Therefore, the spiritual consciousness that is unaffected by illusion — i.e. upon which the world has failed to produce any impression - is the Lord (Iswara). Therefore, the person who is striving to reach the stage of the Lord must be unaffected by illusion, least enamoured by the world! How can one remain unaffected? Through analysis, rationalization, fearless inquiry, and pure reason. To acquire this analytical reason (viveka), it is esse ntial to contribute in the task of promoting the welfare of every being in Nature.
3.The fleeting show of the world (jagath) is based on illusions (maya). That is why it is branded as false. But do not conclude that mere recognition of the falsity of the world or awareness that one has certain shortcomings will lead one on the higher path and take one to the highest truth. Without a good character full of sterling qualities, one can never achieve progress in the spiritual field. Progress depends on the worth and quality of the individual, just as the harvest depends on the fertility of the field. Upon such a worthy piece of land, sow the seeds of sterling qualities and irrigate with the waters of reason and analysis; the plentiful harvest will be ready in due time! On lands where the seedlings of good qualities are not planted and tended, useless weeds multiply; and where orderly gardens could have been cultivated, thorny bushes create a jungle of impenetrable confusions.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba