
Friday, January 31, 2014

Your body at some point of time degenerates into a house full of dirt, a basket full of diseases

When the Goddess of Wisdom, Mother Saraswathi enters our hearts, our faces glow. She is full of Divinity, radiance and knowledge. Hence every educated person who has received Her blessings should always be cheerful. Never put on a ‘castor-oil-face’. Be full of joy. You must also be an embodiment of obedience and humility, with no trace of anger, ego or jealousy. Speak only the Truth and follow righteousness. The castle of righteousness is built upon truth. We often get into trouble only due to our attachments to the body. Your body at some point of time degenerates into a house full of dirt, a basket full of diseases. The body and mind are impermanent. Until you live, firmly believe that body is the temple of God and keep it as clean and pure as possible. When you spend your life with such noble ideas, you will not have any bad thoughts, words or actions.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Good qualities are the most important for any person.

Every one of you must ask yourself, ‘What is the purpose I have come for?’ If it is to study, are you following the path and learning sincerely and thoroughly? Never forget the purpose of your existence. Humility is the very core of education, and its the most important aspect. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, a renowned educationist in India grew up amidst many challenges. He lost his father, and his mother raised him with a lot of difficulties. She taught very important lessons to her son. She used to say, “Child, education is not as important as virtues. For the sake of education, do not make the mistake of giving up virtues. In a difficult situation, it is even okay to give up education if it entails compromising on virtues. Good qualities are the most important for any person. Humility is the true ornament of an educated person.”

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Thought for the Day

Food is considered God, as it is the source of a person’s life, body, mind, and character. Eat only what you need. Do not be greedy and take more than you can eat and waste the rest. Wasting food is a great sin; your surplus can feed another stomach. Even a major part of the food you consume, the gross part, is thrown out as waste matter. A minute amount of the food, which is the subtle part, is assimilated by the body and flows as blood. And a minuscule amount, which is the subtlest part of the food, makes up your mind. Therefore mind is the reflection of the food consumed. When demonic tendencies arise in our minds, know that it is from the food we consume. To receive real nourishment, pay attention to the quality of food that you eat and let it be very pure, clean, sanctified, and Satwik.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Jealousy will make a person see bad, even in the good! It will bring about your destruction in many ways. Root it out of you at the earliest. If not, the next one to come is ego. Ego destroys discrimination, drives out human qualities, and turns you into a demon. Doubt, jealousy, ego and lack of faith are four very strong evil qualities. Even if any one of those four are present in anyone, without doubt, they will be ruined over time. Develop good conduct and earnestly practice good behavior as much as possible, then you will attain the status of a noble person over time. Never do any work with the desire for money or any other benefit. Expecting the result of work is greediness. The fruit of the action depends upon the action itself. Can you expect 100/100 even before you start studying? Instead of studying keeping marks in view, you must study because it is your duty, and do it with total dedication.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, January 27, 2014

You can be freed only by restraining your wants

People are deluded by unlimited desires. They live in a dream world, forgetting the Supreme Consciousness. It is very important to keep desires under control and place a ceiling on them. Instead of inordinately spending for our own pleasure, we should offer money for the relief of the poor and needy. Do not make the mistake of thinking that giving away your money for good and noble purposes is all that is needed to practice ceiling on desires. While giving to the needy is good, it is equally important that you do not allow your own desires to continue to multiply; both should happen. You must curtail your desires, as materialistic desires lead to a restless and disastrous life. Desires are a prison. You can be freed only by restraining your wants. Limit them to only what you truly need in life. This is the real meaning of ‘Ceiling on Desires’

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, January 26, 2014

If the food is earned through unrighteousness means, it will generate wicked feelings.

Satwik food must be less spicy, less salty and must have less amount of tamarind (sourness). Not merely that, it must not be made up of excess oil, must be fresh and must not be stale (food prepared in the morning should not be taken in the evening). This isSatwik food. Some people consider milk as Satwik. No doubt, milk, curds and fruits are Satwik in nature, but when consumed in excessive amounts, they become Tamasik and make one dull and sleepy. When we take curds in excess, we can become Tamasik. Hence reduce having milk or curds in large quantities. It is good to mix one part of water with one part of milk. The food you eat must have been earned and prepared through the right means and should be offered to God before partaking. Only then Satwikfeelings will emanate in man. If the food is earned through unrighteousness means, it will generate wicked feelings.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Bad association causes bad acts

The life of Shakuni in Mahabharatha is a classical case study. He was the epitome of bad company and bad thoughts. He was not only the maternal uncle of Duryodhana, but also his confidant. The ego of Duryodhana reached a climax, on account of the counsel of Shakuni. Ego does not have the power of discrimination. Duryodhana entered into bad actions and followed the bad counsel given to him. Shakuni is well known for his evil ideas, Duryodhana for his egoism and Dushasana for his wrong behavior. Karna was a noble one. But on account of the bad company he was in, he was ready to perform bad deeds. Hence the ancient quote, “Bad association causes bad acts”. Karna became notorious, because of his evil association. These are the lessons Mahabharatha holds out for us. You must be aware of the above and take adequate care.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, January 24, 2014

Thought for the Day

For anyone to remember the Soul (Atma), food is very essential. From Divine Soul (Brahman) Ether emerged. From Ether came Air. From Air was born Fire. And from Fire came Water. From Water, Earth emerged, and from the Earth, various plants and food. Finally from food, human beings evolved. To attain union with the Divine, one has to cross all these stages and take the return journey. The life principle present within our gross body, is called Prana. Within the sheath ofPrana (Pranamaya Kosha), is present the sheath of mind (Manomaya Kosha) and within it, the subtler sheath of intellect (Vijnanamaya Kosha). Latent in theVijnanamaya Kosha is the sheath of bliss (Ananadamaya Kosha). Many people stop journeying after reaching the Mind sheath. To attain bliss you must proceed onward, beyond food, mind and the sheath of the intellect.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Lack of good character makes one develop bad thinking. Lack of faith leads to doubt.

In this world, you must perform both great deeds and good deeds. The vagaries of modern life are rather mysterious and beyond understanding. They are called ‘Dushta Chathushtayam or Akara Chatushtayam’ (Evil Quartet) which comprise of: Lack of faith (Avishwasam), doubt (Anumanam), jealousy (Asuya) and ego (Ahamkaram). Lack of good character makes one develop bad thinking. Lack of faith leads to doubt. Today, many people are ready to trust a stranger on the street but refuse to believe the scriptures and noble commandments of great saints or their own parents. They do not believe even in the words of those that love and care for them. Be aware of these pitfalls and develop good conduct. For good conduct, truth and righteousness are essential. Undertake meritorious deeds with noble motives and immerse yourself in the feeling of love.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Control your tongue

Control your tongue as it always craves for a variety of delicacies. Ask yourself this question, “O tongue, how many bags of rice, wheat and vegetables, how many delicacies have you tasted? Fie on you if you are still unsatisfied!” Eat sufficiently to satisfy your hunger and sustain your body, without giving undue importance to taste. Likewise, your eyes must see God instead of watching unsacred things on the television or video. May your ears listen to the stories of the Lord instead of vain gossip. All that you see and hear gets imprinted on your heart and unsacred things pollute it. When your heart is polluted, life becomes meaningless. Human heart is like a pen. The colour of the words that you write will be the same as the colour of the ink in the pen. God expects you to fill your heart with love. Then, all that you think say and do will be suffused with love and your life shall become sacred.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The entire creation is based on truth. Where there is truth, there you find plenty and prosperity. Human life is not meant to enjoy physical comforts and worldly pleasures, which are momentary. It is meant to set an ideal to the rest of the world. Ask yourself, “Having lived all these years, what is the ideal I have set and achieved?” You might have done a few good deeds in life, but they may be outdone by the number of bad deeds you may have performed. That is not the quality of a human being. Cultivate good thoughts, speak good words and perform good deeds. That is true humanness. We remember the ancient sages and seers even today because of the good deeds they have performed. Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you. Do not indiscriminately follow the mind, for the mind is like a mad monkey. Follow your conscience. Love is the under current of all this. So lead a life suffused with love.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba


Meditation does not mean sitting cross-legged (in Padmasana) with eyes closed in contemplation of God. This is physical, worldly activity. No doubt, this is needed, but true meditation lies in unifying the mind with God. Just as milk and water cannot be separated, likewise, the mind, once merged with God, cannot be separated. Likewise, your love should become one with Divine love. Some people contemplate on God for a limited period in the morning and evening. This cannot be called meditation. You must contemplate on God at all times, at all places and under all circumstances. Perform all tasks with your mind firmly fixed on God. That is true meditation. Thinking of God for a limited period is only part-time devotion. Part-time devotion entitles you to only part-time grace. You should have full-time devotion in order to attain grace in full measure

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, January 20, 2014

Thought for the Day

Recognize the Divine within yourself. Open the doors of your heart. Develop love more and more. Understand the truth. Experience God. There lies the bliss. Make every effort to understand the immanent Divinity. The Divinity within you is covered by ego and anger. Therefore, real knowledge dawns when attachment is destroyed (Moham hithva punar vidya). Where does this attachment come from? Excessive desires lead to attachment. You may attain temporary peace by undertaking repetition of the name (Japa), meditation (dhyana), andyoga. To attain permanent peace, you must develop love within. Love can turn earth into sky and sky into earth. This sacred love is within you. But, you direct it in the wrong direction and thereby it gets perverted. Develop the sacred Love within you to realise your innate Divinity.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Thought for the Day

Penance does not mean retiring to the forest and living on fruits and tubers. In fact such a life can be called a life of dullness (thamas), not penance ( thapas ). True penance lies in controlling one’s emotions,  thoughts,  words and deeds arising out of
 Sathwic,  Rajasic and Thamasic qualities. You should contemplate on God at all times and achieve harmony of thought, word and deed. A noble person is one whose thoughts, words and deeds are in complete harmony (Manasyekam Vachasyekam Karmanyekam Mahatmanam). Do not be carried away by pain or pleasure. The Gita teaches that you should be even-minded in happiness or sorrow, gain or loss, victory or defeat. You should discharge your duty with utmost sincerity and serve society without any expectation of reward. Such even-mindedness and desireless state is true penance.

 Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Who am I?

All spiritual practices (Sadhana) will go in vain if you do not know your true identity. Instead of asking others, “Who are you?” ask yourself, “Who am I?” We say, “This is my book, this is my tumbler.” Then, "Who am I? The feeling of ‘my’ is illusion (maya). All this ‘mine’ is matter; they are negative. You think you are the master of this material world. Master the mind and be a mastermind! Make an effort to know your true identity. To know this, you should first give up body attachment. When I say this is ‘my handkerchief’, I am separate from the handkerchief. Similarly, when I say this is ‘my body’, I am separate from the body. When I say, ‘my mind’ it means I am separate from my mind. Then who am I? Constant enquiry on these lines would lead you to self realisation.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thought for the Day

Food is the primary requisite for life. One cannot live without food. Hence life has been described as Annamaya (composed of food). But one is not content to live on food alone. The mind is not satisfied if the stomach is full. Although food is essential for the body, the mind craves for Ananda (bliss). Life can find fulfilment only if Ananda is experienced. Hence, you cannot rest content with merely being alive. You have to be active and ever on the move. In the process one has to ask oneself the questions, ‘Why am I restless? Why am I active? What do I do to engage myself in actions? Why am I performing these actions? How am I doing them?’ It is when one enquires into these matters, can the true purpose and meaning of actions be realised. This enquiry has to be conducted in the proper way. Once you come to the conclusion that a certain action is right, you should then do it with earnestness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

To harm a person who harmed you is nothing great. Real greatness lies in loving even the person who harmed you.

People get carried away by the body and forget the Divinity within. Have strong faith in God. Do not have faith in this body, which is temporary. Body is like a water bubble, mind is like a mad monkey. Don’t follow the body, don’t follow the mind. Follow your conscience. That is the principle of the Divine Self (Atma). You will experience Divinity only when you follow your conscience. Love everybody, but do not trust anybody. You have to repose your trust only in God. What is the reason? Why should you not trust others? It is because Man is impermanent. God expects only love. You can cultivate love easily. Love is within you, develop it. You have to share this love with everybody. Love even the one who hates you. To harm a person who harmed you is nothing great. Real greatness lies in loving even the person who harmed you.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Thought for the Day

True and Selfless Love manifests as sacrifice. Such love knows no hatred. It envelops the entire universe, and is capable of drawing near even those who are seemingly far away. In the phenomenal world, you come across many shades and derivatives of this primordial love. You love your father, mother, brother, sister, spouse, friends and others. In all such cases, there is always a tinge of selfishness somewhere or the other. Divine love, on the other hand, is totally free of even the slightest trace of selfishness. You must surrender to such love, become completely submerged by it, and experience the bliss it confers. True and Selfless Love manifests itself as sacrifice. For acquiring Divine love, the quality ofKshama (forbearance and patience) is a vital necessity. Every individual must cultivate this noble quality.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

A person's life may be compared to a stalk of sugar cane. Like the cane, which is hard and has many knots, life is full of difficulties. But these difficulties must be overcome to enjoy the bliss of the Divine, just as the sugarcane has to be crushed and its juice converted into jaggery to enjoy the permanent sweetness of jaggery. Enduring bliss can be got only by overcoming trials and tribulations. Gold cannot be made into an attractive jewel without it being subjected to the process of melting in a crucible and being beaten into the required shape. When Bhagawan address devotees as Bangaaru(Golden one), He is considering you as very precious. Go through the vicissitudes of life with forbearance and become attractive jewels. Do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed by obstacles. Lead exemplary lives with self-confidence and firm faith in God.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, January 13, 2014

Thought for the Day

Life on earth is possible only because of the Sun. For mankind that is caught up in a meaningless existence and going through an endless round of futile activities, the Sun God stands out as an exemplar of tireless and selfless service. He enjoys no respite from work. He is above praise and censure. He carries on his duties with absolute equanimity. Everything he does is only for the wellbeing of the world and not for causing any harm. Thus the Sun God teaches us the supreme example of humble devotion to duty, without any conceit. Everyone must learn how to do their duties with devotion and dedication, just like the Sun. Doing one's duty is the greatest Yoga (Spiritual path), as pointed out by Krishna in the Gita. Hence, let your actions and thoughts be good. You will then experience the bliss divine.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The cultured person is one who has developed good thoughts and good conduct.

The observance of morality in daily life, the divinization of all actions and thoughts related to life, and adherence to ideals - all of these together constitute culture. Culture means that which sanctifies the world, which enhances the greatness and glory of a country, and which helps to raise the individual and society to a higher level of existence. The process of refinement or transformation is essential for improving the utility of any object or life. For instance, paddy has to be milled and its husk removed before the rice is fit for cooking. This is called Samskriti or transformation. This means, doing away with unwanted elements and securing the desirable ones. With regard to people, Samskriti (culture) means getting rid of bad qualities and cultivating virtues. The cultured person is one who has developed good thoughts and good conduct.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Thought for the Day

Although there may be differences among nations in their food and habits, the spirit of harmony and unity displayed in sports is a gratifying example to all. It is a distinctive quality of sports that differences are forgotten and persons engage themselves in games in a divine spirit of camaraderie. Sports help the players not only to improve their health but also to experience joy. However, you should not be content with realising these benefits alone. You have another body besides the physical; it is the subtle body, otherwise known as the mind. It is equally essential to promote purity of the mind and develop large heartedness. True humanness blossoms only when the body, the mind and the spirit are developed harmoniously. The enthusiasm and effort you display in sports should also manifest in the spheres of morality and spirituality.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, January 10, 2014

Thought for the Day

Difficulties and pain help one to nurse and build the capacity for patience and forbearance. However, due to mental weakness and ignorance, people invariably shun painful experiences and distress. Do not be weak; be brave and welcome troubles. Let them come; more the merrier. Only with such a courageous attitude can you bring out the kshama (forbearance) hidden within you. Can you get promoted to a higher class without passing an examination? It is only when you secure the prescribed marks and pass the examination, you are declared eligible to advance to the higher class. While preparing for the examination you have to face stress and many difficulties but how sweet the promotion is! So welcome troubles as tests that prepare you for higher things and be happy when troubles descend on you, because that is whenkshama truly blossoms.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Difficulties and pain help one to nurse and build the capacity for patience and forbearance. However, due to mental weakness and ignorance, people invariably shun painful experiences and distress. Do not be weak; be brave and welcome troubles. Let them come; more the merrier. Only with such a courageous attitude can you bring out the kshama (forbearance) hidden within you. Can you get promoted to a higher class without passing an examination? It is only when you secure the prescribed marks and pass the examination, you are declared eligible to advance to the higher class. While preparing for the examination you have to face stress and many difficulties but how sweet the promotion is! So welcome troubles as tests that prepare you for higher things and be happy when troubles descend on you, because that is whenkshama truly blossoms.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Difficulties and pain help one to nurse and build the capacity for patience and forbearance. However, due to mental weakness and ignorance, people invariably shun painful experiences and distress. Do not be weak; be brave and welcome troubles. Let them come; more the merrier. Only with such a courageous attitude can you bring out the kshama (forbearance) hidden within you. Can you get promoted to a higher class without passing an examination? It is only when you secure the prescribed marks and pass the examination, you are declared eligible to advance to the higher class. While preparing for the examination you have to face stress and many difficulties but how sweet the promotion is! So welcome troubles as tests that prepare you for higher things and be happy when troubles descend on you, because that is whenkshama truly blossoms.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Divinity is the manifestation of Prema and Kshama. The virtue of Kshama (forbearance, unlimited patience and ability to forgive and forget) is not achieved by reading books or learnt from an instructor. Nor can it be received as a gift from someone. This prime virtue, can be acquired solely by self effort, by facing squarely diverse problems, difficulties of various sorts, anxieties, suffering as well as sorrow. In the absence of Kshama, you will become susceptible to all kinds of evil tendencies. Hatred and jealousy easily take root in a person lacking this virtue. Kshama gives complete protection to the one who possesses it. Hence Kshama, a priceless possession, is the greatest, grandest and the noblest amongst all virtues. Kshama is all encompassing.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Thought for the day

Since ancient times, emphasis has been laid on three aspects: work, worship, and wisdom. What is wisdom? All that is related to our senses - the fleeting objects of the material world and our actions, speak of our ignorance. Wisdom dawns the moment the mind is withdrawn. The thoughtless state between two consecutive thoughts is Spiritual Wisdom (Brahma Jnana). People are not able to experience this thoughtless state and are carried away by fleeting, ephemeral, and momentary things. All the knowledge that one acquires is not true knowledge. Knowledge of the Spirit (Atma) is true knowledge. True wisdom dawns when all thoughts are decimated. However all three of these - work, worship, and wisdom, begin with service. No matter what service it is, if it is done with love and divine feelings, it becomes upasana (worship).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The tongue is the armour of the heart, it even guards your life. Loud talks, long talk, wild talk, talk full of anger and hate – all these affect your health. They breed anger and hatred in others; they wound, they excite, they enrage, and they estrange. Why is silence said to be golden? The silent person has no enemies, though he or she may not have friends. They have the leisure and the chance to dive within them and examine their own faults and failings. They no more have inclination to seek them in oth­ers. If your foot slips, you suffer a fracture; if your tongue slips, you fracture someone’s faith or joy. That fracture can never be set right; that wound will fester forever. Therefore use the tongue with great care. The softer you talk, the less you talk, the more sweetly you talk, the better for you and the world.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, January 6, 2014

Thought for the Day

The flower of forbearance (kshama) is very dear to the Lord. The Pandavas suffered a lot at the hands of the Kauravas. But it was the virtue of forbearance that protected the Pandavas and made them an ideal to the rest of the world. The other flower that we must offer to God is Shanti (peace). One should remain peaceful through all the vicissitudes of life. Only then can one attain divine grace. Peace is needed at the physical, mental and spiritual levels. Peace is not external, it is present within. You are the embodiment of peace. In the worldly life, there are bound to be many hardships, but one should not be perturbed. One should bear all sufferings with fortitude and patience. Human life is given not merely to enjoy the worldly pleasures. Life becomes meaningful only when one experiences the peace that originates from the heart.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Thought for the Day

If you happen to see a wicked person, do not immedi­ately think of that person as being bad. The bad actions of that person are due to the body, but within that person is the same Atma that is also in you. This unity, this Atmic Principle, is what you must focus on. Deal with this other person with the feeling that the Self in you is also present in the other. This is the way to develop love for all beings. Also do not bear ill will towards any country but be alike to all. Do not criticise the culture of other countries. Love your culture as your mother, just as people of other lands love their respective cultures. If you live like this, you will, without question, become an ideal person. You must spiritualise your attitude, tendencies, and mind.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, January 3, 2014

Thought for the Day

The four components in the “Ceil­ing on Desires” programme are: Curb on excessive talk, curb on excessive desires and expenditure, control of consumption of food, and check on waste of energy. You need some essential commodities for sustenance, and you should not aspire for more. Only if air is available in sufficient quantity will it be comfortable. If it is excessive and there is a gale, you will feel uncomfortable. When you are thirsty, you can consume only a limited quantity of water needed for the sustenance of the body; you can’t drink the entire water of the River Ganga. Your eyes automatically close when they happen to see a flash of lightning because they can’t withstand such high illumination. Therefore there must be a limit to everything, including desires.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, January 2, 2014

When your heart is filled with good thoughts and feelings, all that comes out of the senses - your speech, your vision, your action - will all be pure.

Your speech should always be good. Never utter harsh words. Speak softly and sweetly. That is why I tell you of­ten, “You cannot always oblige, but you can always speak obligingly.” Say what you have to say with­out harshness. Speak softly so that only the person for whom your words are intended may hear you. Such soft and sweet speech should be developed. Good vision, good listening, and good speech lead to good thoughts. “As are your thoughts, so is the result.” Right thoughts lead to right action. With­out good thoughts, it is not possible to perform good actions. Good thoughts cannot be acquired by reading scriptures or by listening to the teachings of the preceptor. Through self-effort you should put your senses of sound, touch, form, taste, and smell to right use. Your self-effort alone can ensure proper spiritual practice.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Your life is a long journey. You should have fewer luggage (desires) in this long journey of life.

Your life is a long journey. You should have fewer luggage (desires) in this long journey of life. There­fore it is said, “Less luggage, more comfort, makes travel a pleasure.” So ceiling on desires is what you have to adopt today. You have to cut short your de­sires day by day. You are under the mistaken notion that happiness lies in the fulfillment of desires. But in fact, happiness begins to dawn when desires are totally eradicated. When you reduce your desires, you advance towards the state of renunciation. You have many desires; what do you get out of them? You are bound to face the consequences when you claim something as yours. You will be blissful the moment you give up ego and attachment.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba