The vehicle of human life is drawn by the senses, driven by the intellect, with discrimination and detachment as the reins on the two wheels of Time and Action. The spokes of the wheel are the rules of righteousness, bound by the rim of Love. Your journey will be smooth, if your axle is Truth and your goal is Peace. Be careful to not exaggerate the importance of things that have material utility. They fade, even while you grasp them. Search for truth (Sath) - that which suffers no change, and Awareness (Chith) - the state of consciousness which is pure, unaffected by gusts of passion and is free from egoism or the desire to possess. Then you will experience Light, and illumine the Path for others. Experience the joy that emanates from Love with no blemish of attachment.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba