
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Thought for the Day

We talk a lot about discipline. Simply to keep on talking about discipline and not have the strength and faith to accept discipline is not going to do any good. Today, unfortunately, even persons who claim to be, and boast of being highly educated, appear as weaklings in practical life. Such people do not understand the value of true education. You must be prepared to put into practice one out of the ten things that you preach, in preference to just saying ten good things. To discipline and duty we should also add devotion. It is only when these three D’s—Discipline, Devotion, and Duty—are together and firmly implanted in your heart, that your heart will be able to develop into a sacred one.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, April 29, 2016

Thought for the Day

Righteousness (Dharma) is the basis for the entire Universe. A true human being is one who practices the principle of dharma. Burning is the dharma of fire. Many often use the word dharma without knowing its true nature and majesty. Coolness is the dharma of ice. Fire is no fire without burning. Ice is no ice without coolness. Similarly, thedharma of a human lies in performing actions with the body and following the commands of the heart. Every act performed with thought, word, and deed in harmony is a dharmic act! A dharmic life is a divine life! This dharma of the heart is supreme and verily the dharma of life. You must achieve unity in thought, word, and deed at all costs. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

A person’s life depends upon three essential things - thoughts, words and deeds. When desires arise, one immediately takes it to their mind. For any thought, mind is the basis. The thought that comes to your mind will be exposed to the world as a word from your mouth, and once you utter those words, then, to put it into practice, you take action. When you are able to apply these three—thought, word, and action along the right path, you earn merit (punya); but if you apply them along the wrong path, you earn sin. Thus for good and bad, you need thoughts, words, and deeds. Only when there is harmony between thoughts, words, and actions; you will be able to recognise your own true nature. To keep them pure and in harmony, you must undertake some kind of sadhana(spiritual practice). This is of utmost need today.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Thought for the Day

Without the control of your senses, your sadhana will be ineffective; it is like keeping water in a leaky pot! When the tongue craves for some delicacy, assert that you will not cater to its whims. If you persist in giving yourself simple food that is not savoury or hot, but amply sustaining, the tongue may squirm for a few days, but it will soon welcome it. That is the way to subdue it and overcome the evil consequences of its being your master. Since the tongue is equally insistent on scandal and lascivious talk, you have to curb that tendency also. Talk little, talk sweetly, talk only when there is pressing need. Also, talk only to those to whom you must, and do not shout or raise the voice in anger or excitement. Such control will improve health and mental peace. It will lead to better public relations and less involvement in contacts and conflicts with others.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

So long as one is dominated by sense pleasure, it cannot be said that their spiritual life has begun. Now many clamour for the experience of spiritual bliss, but few earn it, because they find themselves too weak to reject the clamour of the senses! A little enquiry will reveal that the senses are bad masters; the joy they bring is transitory and fraught with grief. Your devotion to God is best expressed by achieving control of the senses. For, the senses rush towards the temporary and the tawdry; thus, they foul the heart. I require from each of you, no valuable offering than the heart I endowed you with! Give Me that heart, as pure as when I gave it to you, filled with nectar of selfless love! Test all your actions, words, thoughts on this touchstone: "Will this be approved by God? Will this rebound to His renown?"

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, April 25, 2016

Thought for the Day

Offer your entire self, your life Unto Him; then your adoration will transform and transmute you so fast and so completely that you and He can be merged into One. He thinks, feels and acts as you do; you think, feel and act as He does. You will be transformed as a rock is transformed by the sculptor, into an idol, deserving the worship of generations of sincere men. In the process you will have to bear many a hammer stroke, many a chisel-wound, for He is the sculptor. He is but releasing you from petrification! Offer your heart to the Lord, and gladly suffer transformation at His hands. Do not defile time, or the physical sheath, or this life's chance, using them for paltry ends. Your life is but one long pilgrimage which you entered when you were born, and may not end even when you die. Never forget that. Be pure, alert and humble as pilgrims ought to be.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Practise the three disciplines of silence, cleanliness and forbearance. In silence the voice of God can be heard, not in the revelry of noise. Through cleanliness you earn purity. By forbearance, you cultivate love. I am yours; you are Mine, forever and ever. I am in you; you are in Me. Hoist the Flag of Prasanthi in your own heart. The flag is a reminder of your duty to yourself. It reminds you to overcome the urge of low desires, of anger and hate when your desires are thwarted; it exhorts you to expand your heart so that you embrace all humanity, all life and all creation; it directs you to quieten your impulses and calmly meditate on your own inner reality. It assures you that, when you do so, the lotus of your heart will bloom, and from its center will arise the flame of divine vision, which guarantees prasanthi (infinite peace).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Thought for the Day

Consider the meaning of the name ‘Sai Baba’. ‘Sa’ means Divine; ‘ai’ or ‘ayi’ means mother, and ‘Baba’ means father. Your physical parents exhibit love with a dose of selfishness; but Sai, your Divine Mother and Father, showers affection or reprimands only to lead you towards victory in the struggle for self-realisation. Sai descended as Avatar to achieve the supreme task of uniting the entire mankind as one family through the bond of brotherhood, of affirming and illumining the Divine (Atmic) reality in every being. Divinity is the basis for the entire cosmos, and My mission is to instruct all to recognise the common divine heritage that binds one person to another, so that you can rid yourself of the animal, and rise to the Divine! I desire that you contemplate on this, derive joy and be inspired to observe the spiritual disciplines I laid down to progress toward the goal of realising Sai, who shines in your hearts.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Since I moved freely among people, talking and singing with them, even intellectuals were unable to grasp My truth, My power, My glory, or My real task as Avatar. I can solve any problem however knotty. I am beyond the reach of the most intensive enquiry and the most meticulous measurement. Only those who have recognised My love and experienced it can assert that they have glimpsed My reality. Do not attempt to know Me through the external eyes. When you go to a temple and stand before the image of God, you pray with closed eyes, don't you? Why? Because you feel that the inner eye of wisdom alone can reveal Him to you. Therefore do not crave from Me trivial material objects; but, crave for Me from within, and you will be rewarded. The path of Love is the royal road that leads mankind to Me. My grace is ever available to devotees who have steady love and faith.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the day

Many venture to describe the attributes of God and proclaim Him to be such and such; but these are but their own guesses and the reflections of their own predilections and preferences. Who can affirm that God is this or that? Who can affirm that God is not of this form or with this attribute? God is inscrutable. He cannot be realised in the outer objective world; He is in the very heart of every being. Gemstones have to be sought deep underground; they do not float mid-air. Seek God in the depths of yourself, not in tantalising, kaleidoscopic Nature. The body is granted to you for this high purpose; but you are now misusing it, like the person who cooked his daily food in the gem studded gold vase that came into his hands as an heirloom. Man extols God as omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent, but ignores His Presence in oneself!
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Ravana (the villain in Ramayana) sought wealth and gratification of desire, utterly violating the principle of dharma. He was a scholar par excellence. He had mastered the sixty-four disciplines of learning whereas Rama had mastered only thirty-two. However Rama put them into practice and thereby digested them, whereas Ravana failed to digest them. The indigestion on the part of Ravana arose in the form of desire (kama), which ultimately destroyed him. While Rama was the embodiment of Dharma,Ravana remained as the embodiment of kama. Thus there arose a conflict between righteousness and unrighteousness. Rama transformed Himself into the embodiment of sathya (Truth), since He followed the principle of dharma. Since Ravana violated dharma, he became the embodiment of asathya (untruth). There is an eternal warfare between righteousness and unrighteousness, truth and untruth. It is your duty to follow and practice the twin principles of truth and righteousness.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Consider each brother, sister, comrade, companion, and collaborator of Rama as an example of a person saturated with Righteousness (dharma). In Ramayana, Dasaratha is the representative of the merely physical, with the ten senses. The three qualities (gunas) — serenity, activity, and ignorance (satva, rajas and tamas), are the three queens. The four goals of life, thepurusharthas — righteousness, wealth, fulfilment of desires, and liberation are the four sons. Lakshmana is the intellect; Sugriva is discrimination (viveka); Vali is despair; and Hanuman is the embodiment of courage. The bridge is built over the ocean of delusion. The three Rakshasa chiefs, Ravana, Kumbhakarna, and Vibhishana, are personifications of the active (rajasic), ignorant (tamasic), and pure (sattvic) qualities. Sita is the Awareness of the Universal Divinity (Brahma-jnana), which the individual must acquire and regain while undergoing travails in the crucible of life. Be established in the faith that the Lord (Rama) is the Reality in your daily existence.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The four brothers in Ramayana were the embodiments of the four Vedas. Rig Veda is the embodiment of speech (vaak); Yajur Veda is the embodiment of the mind (manas); Sama Veda is of the life principle (prana); and Atharvana Veda is of the intellect (buddhi). Thus the four Vedas strolled with Dasaratha as Rama, Lakshmana, Bharatha, and Shatrughna. We will not gain much if we let ourselves be dominated by the mistaken notion that Rama is the Embodiment of Divinity and that He is beyond our reach. We should realise the fact that the Lord descended on earth to demonstrate an ideal to mankind. Hence every human being should mould themselves according to the great example set by Rama. Rama lives in every human heart as the enchanting principle, as the Divine Self within. There is none in this world in whom the Self is absent. Hence the Rama principle exists in everyone.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Take as your ideals the great characters depicted in the Ramayana. You will see how your life is filled with peace and joy.

Rama is the Indweller in every body. He is the Atma-Rama - the Rama (Source of Bliss) in every individual. His blessings upsurging from that inner spring will confer peace and bliss. He is the very embodiment of righteousness, of all the codes of morality that hold mankind together in love and unity. The story of Rama, ‘Ramayana’, teaches us two lessons: the value of detachment and the need to become aware of the Divine in every being. Faith in God and detachment from objective pursuits are the keys for human liberation. Give up sense objects, and you gain Rama. Mother Sita (Rama’s consort) gave up the luxuries of Ayodhya so she could be with Rama, in the period of exile. When she cast longing eyes on the golden deer and craved for it, she lost the presence of Rama. Renunciation leads to joy; attachment brings about grief. Be in the world, but not of it. Make your heart pure and strong, contemplating the grandeur of the Ramayana.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

My earnest wish is that youth evince keen interest in the moral and spiritual principles of the Ramayana and fully benefit from it. Elders too should mould their lives in consonance with morality and spirituality. Neither wealth nor scholarship can bring you happiness. Only the Love of God confers endless bliss on you. It not only bestows happiness but gives extreme strength as well. You must seek learning that confers immortality. What is Immortality? The removal of immorality is immortality. Human life, which is mortal, is bound to perish one day or the other. Hence we must strive for morality, which is imperishable. This moral splendour is the need of the universe today. It is My earnest wish that our students should cultivate moral splendour and strive for the welfare and upliftment of the Universe, particularly at a time when selfishness and self-interest are so rampant.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Don’t look upon Rama as a scion of the Solar Dynasty, or the son of Emperor Dasaratha. These correlates are but accessory and accidental. A habitual error in modern readers is they pay attention only to the personal relationship and affiliations between the characters of the story they read without delving into the values they represent and demonstrate. Just as people squeeze juice out of the fibrous cane and drink its sweetness, just as the bee sucks the honey in the flower, regardless of its symmetry and colour, so too the spiritual seeker (Sadhaka) should yearn to imbibe the expression of tenderness, pity and compassion with which Ramayana is saturated, paying no heed to other subjects. Those who seek the expression of compassion in Ramayana should concentrate more on the central narrative than on supplementary details that embellish or encumber it. Listen to the Ramayana in that mood; that is the best form of spiritual listening (Shravana).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Don’t look upon Rama as a scion of the Solar Dynasty, or the son of Emperor Dasaratha. These correlates are but accessory and accidental. A habitual error in modern readers is they pay attention only to the personal relationship and affiliations between the characters of the story they read without delving into the values they represent and demonstrate. Just as people squeeze juice out of the fibrous cane and drink its sweetness, just as the bee sucks the honey in the flower, regardless of its symmetry and colour, so too the spiritual seeker (Sadhaka) should yearn to imbibe the expression of tenderness, pity and compassion with which Ramayana is saturated, paying no heed to other subjects. Those who seek the expression of compassion in Ramayana should concentrate more on the central narrative than on supplementary details that embellish or encumber it. Listen to the Ramayana in that mood; that is the best form of spiritual listening (Shravana).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

To gain liberation, to win Rama’s grace, it is not enough to repeat His name; you must practice the Rama principle.

Embodiments of Love, God is present in everyone. He resides in every heart. So do not confine God to a temple, a mosque or a church. Where a human is, there God is. God takes the form of a human (Daivam manusha rupena). As you forget and do not realise this important fact, you indulge in criticism of others. Whom are you criticising? Whom do you adore? Enquire for yourself. God is present in all. If you criticise others, you criticise God. Whoever you salute, it reaches God (Sarva jeeva namaskaram Keshavam prati gacchati) and whoever you insult or ridicule, it also reaches God! (Sarva jeeva thiraskaram Keshavam prati gacchati).Right from this moment, embark on a new life giving up bad thoughts and evil qualities. Purify your heart. Let your thoughts, words and deeds be sacred. Only then will your life be blissful.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

To enjoy enduring happiness, fill your mind with pure thoughts and entertain fine feelings in your heart.

As the human body is made of blood cells, the Ramayana too is constituted of sacred and sublime cells. Human life finds fulfilment by dwelling on the sanctity of the Ramayana. As the human body collapses without the spinal column, so also human life sinks without morality and spirituality. The spinal column is made of thirty-three rings, and it supports the entire human body. Similarly, moral and spiritual principles constitute the very rings of the backbone of human life. My earnest wish is that students evince keen interest in the moral and spiritual principles of the Ramayana and fully benefit from it. The elders too should mould their lives in consonance with morality and spirituality. Neither wealth nor scholarship can bring you happiness. Only the love of God confers endless bliss on you. It not only bestows happiness but gives immense strength as well.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

First weed out the evil thoughts and bad habits. Second, cultivate good habits.

Embodiments of Love, God is present in everyone. He resides in every heart. So do not confine God to a temple, a mosque or a church. Where a human is, there God is. God takes the form of a human (Daivam manusha rupena). As you forget and do not realise this important fact, you indulge in criticism of others. Whom are you criticising? Whom do you adore? Enquire for yourself. God is present in all. If you criticise others, you criticise God. Whoever you salute, it reaches God(Sarva jeeva namaskaram Keshavam prati gacchati) and whoever you insult or ridicule, it also reaches God! (Sarva jeeva thiraskaram Keshavam prati gacchati). Right from this moment, embark on a new life giving up bad thoughts and evil qualities. Purify your heart. Let your thoughts, words and deeds be sacred. Only then will your life be blissful.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Once Lord Narayana told Sage Narada, “Narada, there are many devotees like you. You find them in every house and in every place. They will offer worship and chant My Name. But this is not true devotion. True devotion is that which finds expression in every thought, word and deed of man. Just as the food partaken gets digested in the stomach and its essence is supplied to all limbs of the body, likewise, when you fill your heart with the divine name, its effect should spread to your eyes, ears, tongue, hands, feet, etc. When the sacred effect of the divine name spreads to your eyes, you will develop sacred vision. Likewise your speech will become sacred, and you will listen only to sacred words. Your hands will undertake sacred deeds and your feet will take you to sacred places. Thus a true devotee will sanctify each of his limbs with sacred activity.”

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

If your house is dirty you clean it so that visitors do not get a bad impression. But when your minds and your hearts are polluted, you do not feel ashamed. Isn’t it strange that you are so concerned about the cleanness of your clothes or homes, but are not concerned about the purity of your hearts and minds which affects your entire life?

Once, a friend of Michelangelo, the famous Italian sculptor, asked him, "Why are you working so hard, chiseling this huge rock? Why don't you go home and get some rest?" Michelangelo replied: "I want to bring out the living Divinity that is embedded in this lifeless stone." If that sculptor could create out of an inanimate piece of stone, a living Image of God, cannot human beings vibrant with life manifest the living Divinity that resides within them? When your clothes get dirty, you change them, because you are ashamed to appear in dirty garments. If your house is dirty you clean it so that visitors do not get a bad impression. But when your minds and your hearts are polluted, you do not feel ashamed. Isn’t it strange that you are so concerned about the cleanness of your clothes or homes, but are not concerned about the purity of your hearts and minds which affects your entire life?

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

All of your lives should be lived in consonance with the command of your conscience

Only a harmonious blend of the secular and spiritual will lend beauty and radiance to life. We should not learn and earn merely to fill our bellies but also to fill our hearts with bliss. The food you eat will fill only your stomach and not the mind, but spiritual food will fill your mind and give you eternal bliss. Hence secular learning and living should be coupled with spirituality. Inculcation of morality is very important in life. Students lead chaste and disciplined lives as long as they live in the hostel, but they lead an altogether different life once they leave the hostel. Your lives should be marked by discipline and morality, whether you live in the hostel or outside. All of your lives should be lived in consonance with the command of your conscience. This rule must remain the same, whether you are being observed or not, whether someone is noticing you or not.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

True happiness lies in the state of desirelessness.

Ages have gone by and the world is fast changing, but there is no transformation in the human heart. Some say that education is bringing about a change in human beings. True, but what type of change has it brought? It is a peculiar change that is leading to perversion of human mind instead of transforming their hearts. Human heart in its pristine state is highly sacred and human birth is difficult to attain. Out of all the living beings, the human birth is the rarest (Janthunam narajanma durlabham). Having attained such a precious life, are you making efforts to live like a true human being? Today you have become a bundle of desires, spending all your time and effort in fulfilling them. You are under the mistaken notion that fulfilment of desires will confer happiness on you. Realise that only annihilation of desires will lead you to ultimate bliss. True happiness lies in the state of desirelessness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thought for the Day

Ugadi is the beginning of a New Year. You have celebrated many Ugadis, but have you given up your bad qualities? Do not limit the celebration of Ugadi to merely putting on new clothes and partaking of delicious food. Today you may wear a new shirt, but how long will it remain new? Our life is like a newspaper. Once you have finished reading a newspaper, do you like to read the same newspaper again and again? You have been given this birth, and you have gone through varied experiences of pleasure and pain. Pray to God to take you across this ocean of life and death, and grant you liberation. True Ugadi is the day when you give up bad qualities, fill your heart with love, and take to the path of sacrifice. Stop criticizing others. Respect even those who hate you. Hatred is a bad quality. It will ruin you. Hence get rid of this evil. Love everyone.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

A game of football is played by two teams with ten players in each team playing on each side of the field. Each team strives to score a goal by shooting the ball between the two goal posts. Life is a game in which you must lead your life between the two goal posts of secular and spiritual education. While playing football, one kicks the ball as long as it is filled with air. Once the football is deflated, nobody will kick it. The air in the football signifies the presence of ego. A person swayed by ego will receive blows until they are devoid of ego. A deflated ball is taken by the hands, while an inflated ball is kicked mercilessly. Similarly a humble person is well respected, whereas an egoistic person becomes the target of all sorts of attacks. Secular things come and go, whereas spiritual gains stay forever. Hence let spirituality constitute the basis of all your activities
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

younger generation is being ruined by undesirable films and programs.

Bear in mind that youth is the most precious years in one's life and should not be wasted or misspent. To let children watch television from 6 to 10 pm is to make them forget all that they have learnt at school or college. In addition, they learn many evil things. If TV is used for teaching good things, it can serve a worthy purpose. But that is not the case, younger generation is being ruined by undesirable films and programs. Their minds are being poisoned. It is not a sign of parental love to let children grow in this manner. Even parents should avoid going to cinemas. All crimes and violence we witness today are largely the result of the evil influence of films on young minds. While science and technology may appear, to confer many benefits, they also have many harmful effects. To make proper use of scientific knowledge we must have the wisdom and discrimination.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, April 4, 2016

Thought for the Day

Though it is hard to restrain the mind, it can be diverted. When the mind steeped in the secular world is diverted toward Divinity, it gains in moral strength. The mind steeped in the worldly matters makes you a prisoner of the world, whereas a mind steeped in God secures liberation for you. Your heart is the lock and your mind is the key. When you turn the key to the left, it locks. But if you turn the key to the right, it unlocks. It is the turning of the key that makes the difference. Hence the mind is the cause for your liberation as well as bondage. What then is liberation (Moksha)? It is not an air-conditioned mansion, but a state devoid of delusion(Moha). Majesty and morality lie in diverting the mind from the world to God. It is this simple and powerful concept that really contributes to your progress and prosperity.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Babat

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Thought for the Day

What is the origin of pride? Is it knowledge? No! It is ignorance. What is the cause of ignorance? It is the feeling of duality. Where did duality originate? From attachment and hatred (Raga andDwesha). What is the origin of these two? They are the products of circumstances. How did circumstances come about? ThroughKarma (past deeds). What is the cause of Karma? Birth! Thus be clear that birth is the cause of all sorrow. Only by seeking freedom from birth that you can free oneself from sorrow. The opportunity of a human birth must be used for realising this supreme goal. The duty of parents is to set children on the right path from their early years. They should not hesitate to correct them and even punish them when the children take to wrong ways. The best way parents can show their love for their children is to do everything necessary to lead them on the righteous path.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Accept pain and pleasure as gifts from God, for there is no pleasure without pain and no pain without pleasure

The life of Prahlada is a testament of real devotion to God. Though severely tortured by his father, Hiranyakashipu, Prahlada stood firm as a rock, steadfast in his devotion to Vishnu. At a tender age, Prahlada planted God firmly in his heart and withstood every storm and stress. Physical afflictions had no effect on him and did not reduce his devotion. The mind steeped in the Love of God is beyond any shock and strain like the chloroformed patient who is oblivious of the incisions made by the surgical instruments. Only Love of this kind can ultimately be victorious. But today, the devotion of the people wavers with every trying circumstance. When our wishes are fulfilled, we install many photographs for worship; and when our wishes are not fulfilled, we throw out the photographs. Pain is a part of life and must be accepted at any cost. Pleasure is an interval between two pains.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

The truly human qualities are calmness, forbearance and compassion.

You spend a great deal of time to acquire some material object or other. How much time do you devote to thoughts of God? You shed tears profusely to experience a pleasure related to the senses. Do you shed a single tear for experiencing God? How then can you realise God? Today Bhakthi (devotion) has become a mass-produced manufactured product. But are the devotees practicing what they profess? Without practice, can the fruits of devotion be realised? The 12th Canto of the Bhagavad Gita clearly describes the qualities of a true devotee. The primary virtue is absence of hatred towards any living thing: Cultivate Universal Love (Advesta-sarva-bhutanam). Avoid causing harm to others. Do not speak ill of any one. Give up pride and egoism. Cultivate purity of thought, speech and action. Spirituality is not separate from other aspects of life. Spirituality permeates everything.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Life has to be an incessant process of repair and reconstruction, of discarding evil and developing goodness

Everyone must face the consequences of their misdeeds, one day or other, because every action has a reaction, resound and reflection. The awareness of this fact on the part of one and all will bring abundant peace and harmony. Human beings are endowed with endless strength. Your body is indeed a massive generator. Your face is like a television-set, with vivid expressions. But human beings have lost their value in the world today. It is human beings who lend value to a diamond. It is a human being who unearths a raw stone and turns it into a priceless diamond after processing and polishing it. Though people have been able to transform a cheap raw stone into an invaluable diamond, they themselves choose to have no intrinsic value in spite of contributing much to the value-addition of the diamond.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba