
Thursday, May 19, 2022


Here is an illustration from our daily experience. While going in a bazaar, if a person sees someone crying he asks him, "Why are you crying?" Other passersby also question him. If in the same bazaar another person is going about in a jolly mood, no one goes to him to inquire about the cause of his happiness. Happiness is considered to be the natural condition of man. He seeks it all the time. Sorrow is repugnant to man. It is a weakness of man to give room to grief. By falling prey to grief in many lives, man is perpetually plunged into sorrow. For a person who has firm faith in God, there will be no cause for sorrow. Those who give way to sorrow are persons who have not understood the Divine Principle. All that is connected with the body is temporary and transient. What men should seek is enduring bliss. Happiness is union with God.



The Lord and His name are both one, but the sweetness of the name is seldom found in the form! When the name of the flower, rose, is remembered, its fragrance, tender petals, and deep colour spring to memory; its thorns and troubles one underwent to get the flower are all forgotten. Instead, if its origin and previous story are considered, and if plant, leaves, and branches are taken into account, the flower — the most important, most beautiful, and most attractive part — is likely to be forgotten and only the “plant” is discussed! See this from another angle. As soon as the name mango is mentioned, one is reminded of an incomparable sweetness. Instead, if an actual mango is held in hand, doubt first arises in the mind about whether it’s sweet or sour; then one is engaged in distinguishing skin, fibre, juice, nut, rind, seed, etc. When Name alone is repeated, these things do not come to mind. Only sweetness is brought to memory.



 I am now hoisting Prasanthi Flag in Prasanthi Nilayam. The flag is a sign that is significant for each one of you. It is a reminder of your duty to yourself, and so, when I hoist it on this building, you must unfurl it in your own hearts. It reminds you to overcome the urge of low desires, of anger and hate when your desires are thwarted; it exhorts you to expand your heart so that you embrace all humanity and all life and all creation in its compass; it directs you to quieten your impulses and calmly meditate on your own inner reality. It assures you that, when you do so, the lotus of your heart will bloom, and from its centre will arise the flame of divine vision, which guarantees Prasanthi (infinite peace). I must also tell you of certain preliminary disciplines you must practice when you are here; the three disciplines of silence, cleanliness and forbearance. In silence you can hear the voice of God, not in the revelry of noise. Through cleanliness you earn purity. By forbearance, you cultivate love.



Easwaramma finished her bath; she drank her coffee as usual quite happily and took her seat on the inner verandah. All of a sudden, she cried out. "Swami Swami, Swami,'" thrice. At this, I responded: "Coming, Coming." Within that period she breathed her last. What greater sign of goodness is needed? She had no need to be served and nursed. Swami will come to the memory at that time only for a very few. The mind will usually seek and stay on some object or the other, some jewellery or valuables. From the ground floor, she called: "Swami! Swami!" I replied, "Coming, Coming," and she was gone. It was like the elephant Gajendra's calling and the Lord proceeding to bless it - the two wires achieving connection, the release happening instantaneously! This is the authentic consummation that life must strive for. It is the sign of an ideal, adorable life. Such an attitude must emerge of its own accord and not by means of some external force.



Remember your goal is nothing less than realising your inherent Divinity. It is difficult for anyone to get an opportunity like this. Among the billions of people in the world, how many desire to experience the Divine? You are among the blessed and the fortunate few. Make the best use of this supreme good fortune and transform yourselves into godly persons and help to transform others. Be always happy. Share your joys with others. This is true spirituality. Remember, Love is God; live in Love. Truth is God; live in Truth. Bliss is God; live in Bliss. Be fearless. God is with you. When you go about with the conviction, "God is with me; I am in God," you will have no fear. I hope by acting in this way, you will spread peace and harmony in your respective countries.


Develop inner vision; don’t worry about others and their faults

There is in everyone a spark of truth; none can live without that spark. There is in everyone a flame of love; life becomes a dark void without it. That spark, that flame, is God, for He is the source of all Truth and all Love. One seeks truth; one seeks to know reality because one’s very nature is derived from God, who is Truth. One seeks Love, to give and share, for one’s nature is of God and God is Love. Like paddy seed, which contains rice, the husk is the delusion (maya) that covers the seed within; rice is the individual soul, and the essence of the rice, the sustaining element, the food - that is the Supreme Atma. So, develop inner vision; don’t worry about others and their faults. Do a little examination of the Self. Study Upanishads and spiritual texts — they might help you a little. Remember, only a little help! They are but maps and signposts. You must put them into practice; act and experience.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, May 16, 2022


Here is an illustration from our daily experience. While going in a bazaar, if a person sees someone crying he asks him, "Why are you crying?" Other passersby also question him. If in the same bazaar another person is going about in a jolly mood, no one goes to him to inquire about the cause of his happiness. Happiness is considered to be the natural condition of man. He seeks it all the time. Sorrow is repugnant to man. It is a weakness of man to give room to grief. By falling prey to grief in many lives, man is perpetually plunged into sorrow. For a person who has firm faith in God, there will be no cause for sorrow. Those who give way to sorrow are persons who have not understood the Divine Principle. All that is connected with the body is temporary and transient. What men should seek is enduring bliss. Happiness is union with God.



One evening Krishna took Arjuna far out of Dwaraka city and while they were alone together, He pointed at a bird flying over their head and asked him: "Arjuna, isn't that a dove?" Arjuna agreed and said that it was indeed a dove. Suddenly, Krishna turned towards him and said, "No, it is a crow." Arjuna concurred and said, "I am sorry, it certainly is a crow." Immediately, Krishna asked him, "A crow? No, it must be a kite. Isn’t it so?" and Arjuna again promptly agreed: "Yes. It is a kite." At this, Krishna smiled and asked Arjuna, "Are you in your senses? What exactly do you see? How can the same bird be a dove, a crow and a kite?" Arjuna said, "Who am I to dispute your statement? You can make it a crow even if it is not one, or change it into a kite. I have found that the safest thing is to agree with You, in full faith. I know of no other course." Only after this test of unflinching faith, Krishna assured Himself of the credentials of Arjuna to receive the holy Gita.



Rama is the supreme symbol of the power of attraction. This Rama is not the son of Dasharatha but the spiritual Rama who is the Atma-Rama (the Indweller in every heart). The Atma is the universal magnet which attracts everything. When you keep a flower here, bees are attracted from afar. They are drawn to the flower because of the sweet honey in it. Not a single bee will be attracted by a plastic flower. The sweetness that attracts people is Prema (love). This love may be manifested in many forms - maternal love, filial love, fraternal affection, marital love, friendly love and so on. Divine Love is the basis of all these forms of attraction. It is a powerful magnet. It is present everywhere, including in every human being. Every child bears the imprint of its parents. As all human beings have come from God, they should carry the marks of the Creator. Man has taken birth to manifest the Divine in him.


you must keep the company of great and good men and take delight in good thoughts.

This is not devotion - this holding a garland in the hand and indulging in paltry conversation in holy places. I do not want nor do I appreciate anyone bringing flowers and fruits into My presence. Bring Me the fragrant flower of a pure heart and the fruit of a spiritual-discipline-mellowed mind — that is what I like most, not these things available outside yourselves for cash, without any effort that elevates the mind. To get a taste for that kind of effort, you must keep the company of great and good men and take delight in good thoughts. By whatever means available, increase the stock of your bliss (ananda) and improve the quality of discrimination and try to store as much of these two as possible, so that you can draw upon the stock whenever the need arises!



Ravana used to repeat the five-syllable Shiva Mantra "Namah Shivaya" constantly but did not give up any of his demonic qualities, because recitation was done mechanically. On the other hand, Prahlada, though the son of a demon, repeated Narayana Mantra - "Om Namo Narayana" continually with all his heart and soul. This served to save him from all the terrible ordeals his father Hiranyakashipu, subjected him to. His father cast him from a precipice, had him trodden over by elephants, got him bitten by venomous reptiles, pushed him into the sea, and so on but he came out unscathed from all these ordeals by chanting the Lord's name from his heart. Every instrument of torture turned into the Lord's form! Reciting the Lord's name with one's whole heart is true Smarana. Chanting of the Name should not be done to earn the approbation of others or for show. It is enough if one is able to please the Lord. In the process, one becomes united with the Divine!



 “Manava seva is Madhava seva” - service of man is service of God. But, when? When you feel in the depth of your heart that the person whom we serve is a wave of the same sea from which you derive your individuality, your taste, name and form. I have called you as ‘Volunteers’ to give you an opportunity to practice this Sadhana of Madhava seva through Manava seva. Don’t, therefore, take this as a new authority conferred on you, or as a burden that has landed on your shoulders. Acceptance of the Will of God has its own advantage; it yields rich fruits! Hanuman didn’t become conceited when Rama selected him for the crucial southward search and when Rama gave into his custody the ring to be given to Sita (assuring him in the process that he would certainly succeed in discovering her); nor was he affected by fear, at the tremendous responsibility that was heaped on him! He just accepted what was given; he was neither happy nor unhappy. He felt that Rama, the Lord, knows all and so his duty was only to obey!


Man is misusing the talents given to him by the Divine.

Man is misusing the talents given to him by the Divine. He is giving free vent to the six cardinal vices of lust, anger, greed and so on. They are not the gifts of the Divine. They have been fostered by the food people eat. They are animal qualities which have to be got rid of. People should speak the truth and avoid speaking what is unpleasant even if it is the truth. The entire gamut of human life should be based on truth. Bharatiya (Indian) culture has placed the foremost emphasis on “Speak the truth; act righteously.” Speaking truth is a supreme virtue for all people, anywhere. In any circumstance, one should adhere to the truth. Truth is God incarnate. Righteousness should accompany one like a shadow. When you have truth and righteousness as your guiding stars you can achieve anything in life. All powers are inherent in these two virtues.


Spiritual exercise consists of getting rid of bad thoughts and cultivating good qualities.

People talk about spiritual exercises and waste their lives. All these pursuits are a waste of time. It is enough if you develop sacred feelings. The chief sadhana (spiritual exercise) consists of getting rid of bad thoughts and cultivating good qualities. Whatever pilgrim centre you may visit, try to shed your bad tendencies. Develop good qualities instead. You should try to do good to those that have done harm to you. You must forget the harm done by others and also the good you have done to others. So you should forget what needs to be forgotten and remember those things that require to be remembered. What are the things you have to remember? The good that others have done to you. You must remember the good that has been done to you as something sacred. You must express your gratitude to them. Make all your actions conform to righteousness (dharma). Whatever actions you do remembering God will get sanctified thereby.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Buddha realised that self-realisation cannot be attained through penance or prayers or austerities. Buddha emphasised the importance of developing good vision (samyak drishti). Good vision leads to good thoughts, good speech and good action. He laid stress on association with good people. The company of good leads to good deeds. The four rules to be observed are: cultivate good company, avoid association with evil persons, do meritorious deeds always, and remember what is transient and what is eternal. Good company does not mean merely association with good people. Sat refers to the Divine. What is required is to seek the company of God, who is the source of all bliss. When one's thoughts are centred on God, one's feelings, speech, and actions get sanctified - samyak bhavam, samyak sravanam and samyak kriya. This leads to the purity of inner sense organs. Purity in thought, word, and deed is the requisite for experiencing the Divine.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba