
Wednesday, November 23, 2022

True education is that which fosters the sense of oneness, draws out one's divine qualities and promotes the blossoming of human personality

 “Speak the Truth; Follow Righteousness”. These two vital Vedic principles have been obliterated today. Mammon reigns supreme. Wealth is worshipped as God. Malpractices are the offerings made to this deity. Humanness has been sacrificed. There must be a return to human values. Education must aim at promoting these values. Planting the seed of love and fostering the tree of tolerance, students should seek to offer the fruit of peace to society. This should be their primary duty. Students! You do not become educated merely by getting degrees. You will be truly educated only when you render services to the people. Engage yourselves in service to the people. True education is that which equips one for service and not merely for earning wealth. Fill your hearts with compassion. A compassionate heart is the seat of the Divine.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

'S' stands for 'Sai', 'A' for 'and', 'I' for the aspirant himself (the individual). Thus 'SAI' symbolises the Vedic dictum: Tat Twam Asi (Thou art That).

Strive to become embodiments of love. Be ready to offer all your capabilities and skills to the Lord of all. It is God's love that rewards you when you engage yourselves in japa, tapa or yaga (Repetition of God's name, penance, ritual of sacrifice). What greater achievement can you strive for than receiving Love Divine from God? The Principle of Love has no trace of ego or blemish. It is fully free from selfish attachments. Whatever Sai does, whatever Sai thinks, whatever Sai says, whatever Sai observes, it is all for your sake, not for Sai's sake. My only desire is your Ananda (joy). Your Ananda is My bliss. I have no joy, apart from your happiness. Whatever thoughts arise in Me are only for the peace and welfare of the world, for the progress of youth, and for creating ideal boys and girls who will lead others along the path. You must dedicate yourselves to rendering enthusiastic service to the people of the world, recognising that the Sai Principle has no egoistic urge.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba