The word "Dharma", which is really bound up with an infinite variety of meanings, is regarded in common usage as referring to actions like charity, performing good deeds, going on pilgrimages and discharging one's duties, etc. But these relate only to extrnal actions. Dharma is eternal, the same for everyone, everywhere. It expresses the significance of the inner Atma. The birth place of Dharma is the heart. What emanates from the heart as a pure idea, when translated into action is Dharma. The true Dharma of evry human being is to make every endeavour to realize the Divine; Dharma should lead to Self realiszation.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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from Possum
Thanks for the comment! I really appreciate it. Thank you!
-Fernand Yim
"Our thoughts decides our life" -similar is baba's saying.
kvo saravana prakash
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