The impure impulses bind you to the wheel of Samsara (wordly existence) and tie you down to this earth. The giant tree called mind has two seeds; Vasana (impulses) and Prana (life breath). The seed grows in to the tree, the tree yields the seed. The Prana moves because of the Vasanas. The Vasanas operate because of the Prana. But if beneficent Vasanas are encouraged, they will not bind the mind. They are like seeds that are fried, which will not sprout. These Vasanas are characterised by such ctivities as the association with holy persons, reverence for the guru, charity, fortitude, love , patience, truth, courage, sense control, etc.,
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Nice thinking.
your blog scintillates about human living.
keep blogging.
thank you
Thank you!
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