No object in the world can be without a creator. Everything we use in our daily life has been made by someone. But, there are also objects which are beyond the capacity of humans to create. The stars which twinkle in the sky, the sun and moon that illumine the whole world, all these demonstrate the existence of a superior power. These are not human creations. Have they come into existence by themselves or have they been created by some invisible force? The supreme power which has the capacity to create such marvels has been described by the Vedas as Aprameya, one who is beyond all proofs and all limitations. He cannot be described in words. The primary object of man must be to seek to understand this Infinite Power.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
hmmm..a short and sweet post..
thanks for dropping by...i still feel that i haven't done justice to the article bcos i have subconsciously left out many other factors that have led to this world being as unsafe as it was b4 9/11..furthermore i have failed(in that post) to prove that the world is not just as unsafe but rather more unsafe than it was before...
thought of rewriting the post but later decided against it partly due to my laziness...:)
Infinite intelligence cannot be understood with the finite intelligence. So, humans are finite while God is infinite.
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