Unknowingly, you may create and develop in yourself an abounding variety of selfish habits and attitudes that cause great discontent for you. The impulse for this comes from the power complex; the greed for power and riches. You may feel elated that you are very wealthy, talented and knowledgeable. From where did you acquire these? You may even claim that you earned all this through your own efforts, but surely, you received it from someone. The source from which all power originates is Sarweshwara (Lord of All). Omnipotence belongs only to the Lord of all beings. Ignoring the Omnipotence and deluding oneself that the little power that one has acquired is one's own is indeed Ahamkara (conceit). Ahamkara causes grief and must be uprooted from within. It will not subsist in an individual filled with genuine devotion, recognized by the characteristics of kindness, love, patience, forbearance and gratefulness. Seek therefore, to develop these virtues in you.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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