1.Bhakthi Yoga teaches people the path of Love – to love all as you love yourselves, and prosper by love. Then no harm can come to you. It will only spread joy and happiness to all. God is present in all beings as Love. They all endeavour to merge their love with the Ocean of Love that God is. Wherever Love is evident, take it that it is God’s own Love. God is the greatest Lover of mankind. Therefore, when anyone decides to serve humanity whom He loves, God showers Grace in plenty. When the human heart melts at the suffering of others and expands as a result of that sympathy, believe that God is present there. That is the sign of the validity of the path of devotion (Bhakthi Yoga).
2.All that you see is the reflection of what is inside you. If you call a person bad, it is the bad in you being reflected in him. It has got nothing to do with him. Good and bad are but reflections of your inner being. Never consider them as separate from you. Good thoughts are the source of good vibrations. If your inner being is full of love, the same principle of love will find manifestation in your speech and actions. When you have sacred thoughts, you will become a divine person.
3.For the bird flying over the deep, blue waters in mid-ocean the only resting place is the mast of a ship sailing in those waters. In the same way, the Lord is the only refuge for the man who is tossed about in the stormy seas of this world. However far the bird may fly, it knows where it can find rest and that knowledge gives it confidence. The Name of the Lord is like that mast; remember it always, associate it with the Form and have that Form fixed in the mind's eye. It is a lamp shedding light in the recesses of your heart. Have the Name on the tongue and it will drive away the inner darkness as well as the outer.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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