
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thought for the Day

1.Aspirants must always have the inward look; if they allow the mind to wander outward, they cannot identify their own faults. It is hard to get rid of pride and self-love or ego (Ahamkara), for the mind has been allowed to flow in the direction it likes for several ages. Pride prevents the inner vision and confuses the examination of the mind. Some aspirants get very angry when others discover and announce to them the bad traits they possess. If you wish to achieve success, you must bow down to those who point out your faults, and you must endeavour not to entertain those faults any longer. Those prone to anger should to be vigilant even about the most minor matters that might provoke them and remove such impulses; because if they are careless, they cannot progress in the least. Such people must cultivate a humble, loving spirit. Then the bad traits will disappear.

2.The festival of Deepavali teaches a profound spiritual truth. On this day, an entire array of lamps are lit by the flame of one lamp. This act signifies that it is the One that has willed to become the Many. The lamp used to light symolises the Supreme Effulgent Lord and the ones lit are the individual selves. As long as the demonic qualities remain in man, he will be immersed in darkness. Deepavali has to be observed as a day for getting rid of all these bad qualities. The demon Narakasura symbolises demonic qualities, and his death, which marks the festival of Deepavali, symbolises the destruction of evil and the restoration of good. This is the inner significance of the festival.

3.At the time of birth, one has neither good nor bad qualities. Changes occur in your nature due to the food consumed, the influence of associates and so on. One develops ego and attachment through the company one keeps. As you get educated, you develop pride and entertain vainglorious thoughts about your superiority over others. This conceit pollutes the heart. To purify milk that has got mixed with water, it has to be boiled. Likewise one has to undertake various spiritual practices (Sadhana) to purge the heart of impurities. It is only when the heart is melted in the heat of divine Love, you can succeed in removing bad qualities. Be clear that you alone are the cause for your fortune, good or bad; God has no share in causing your suffering; and you are free to shape your future. If you develop this understanding you will approach God with firmer steps and a cle arer mind.

4.Egoistic individuals, love to exercise authority over others. They see everything through glasses coloured by the smoke of selfishness and self-love. “My words are true”; “My opinion is correct”; “My deeds are right” - Such attitude is very harmful for spiritual aspirants. Aspirants must look forward eagerly to any objective criticism, suggestion or advice from any quarter. Also, they must minimise all discussions and argumentations as these breed a spirit of rivalry and lead one to angry reprisals and vengeful fighting. Do not struggle to earn the esteem of the world. Do not feel humiliated or angry when the world does not recognise you or your merits. Learn this first and foremost if you are after spiritual success. Do not become elated when praised, for therein lies a deadly trap, which might even lead you astray and endanger your progress.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai baba

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