
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Your nature is Joy

1.The more riches you accumulate the more bound you become and get into more worry, anxiety and fear. There can be no peace of mind for a person burdened by riches. People ignorantly seek this restlessness (ashaanthi) as they do not know where to acquire true peace (Shanthi). An educated person must have the virtue of Shanthi as the first qualification. This implies, not being affected by praise or blame, failure or success. It is the ego that makes one feel glad or sad. Therefore control the ego by extending love to every living being. Ego is lovelessness. A person afflicted with ego cannot rejoice when others are happy, and feel pained when others are miserable. Only a selfless and egoless person can share the happiness of others and take positive steps to alleviate others’ misery. God will ever be on the side of selfless persons and there is nothing that they cannot achieve.

2.Think about this: when you are well, no one inquires about your health. But if you are struck with illness or sorrow, you are bombarded with anxious queries. Why this anxiety? Because man’s fundamental nature is to be happy and healthy. Your nature is joy. So when you are happy and healthy, no one is surprised or worried. Grief and sorrow are unnatural, and are the result of a delusion that has overwhelmed one’s nature. If you do a task as an assumed duty, you will find it difficult to put up with the troubles and travails that may come along with it. The task will also induce conceit, or the feeling 'I am the doer’, resulting in exhaustion or elation, disgust or pride. On the other hand when karma (action) is performed as your nature you can have fortitude.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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