
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Thought for the Day

1.Every human being has the evil tendencies of lust (kama), anger (krodha) and greed (lobha) in them. The great epics, Ramayana, Bhagavata, and Mahabharata, teach good lessons to control these enemies. Ravana, who had mastered all the sixty-four branches of knowledge and was a great scholar and a mighty warrior, lost his life and caused the ruination of his entire clan because of lust. It is not enough if you merely read Ramayana; you should grasp its real significance. In the Mahabharata, Duryodhana personified greed. He refused to share the kingdom with the Pandavas and denied them their rightful share. Due to this quality, he perished along with his entire clan. These illustrations echo the need for the eradication of the feelings of lust, anger and greed. Pandavas emerged victorious because they practiced all the human values of Truth, Love, Right Conduct, Non-Violence and Peace. If you follow these values, success will follow automatically.

2.Thousands of years have passed since the Treta Yuga (second quarter of time, the age in which Lord Rama was born), yet even now everyone, right from children to elderly people, remember the name of Rama. The glory of Rama’s name has not diminished even a bit with the passage of time. This truth should be recognised by all. Rama is the name given to a form, but is not limited to a form. Rama is the never changing Divine Principle (Atma). Therefore, wherever and whenever you remember the name of Rama, He is there with you, in you, around you. Rama is the personification of righteousness (Ramo vigrahavan Dharmaha). You should also follow Dharma (righteousness); not the principle of Dharma that comes from the mind but one that originates from your heart.

Bagavan sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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