
Sunday, April 15, 2012

If we practise our ancient values, society will attain welfare

1.Right from a young age, children should be taught the greatness of our ancient culture. They should develop humility, love, and reverence toward elders and respect everyone. Children and youth should be moulded into ideal citizens. One can earn the respect of others only when one first respects others. Respect does not mean merely greeting by saying 'hello'. One should offer their respects (namaskara) to the others with humility and reverence. Na-maskara means offering your respects without a trace of ego and attachment (ahamkara and mamakara). For anything, practise is very important. The responsibility lies with the parents and teachers to make the children and youth adhere to our ancient tradition. Then society will certainly progress and enjoy peace and prosperity. If we practise our ancient values, society will attain kshemam (welfare), otherwise it will be afflicted with kshamam (famine). Practising one’s sacred culture is the true sign of education.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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