1.Step by
step, you reach the end of the road. One act followed by
another leads to a good habit. Listening over and over
again, you get prodded into action. Resolve to act, to mix
only in good company, to read only elevating books and to
form the habit of remembering the Lord's name
(Naamasmarana), then ignorance will vanish
automatically. The Divine Bliss that will well up within
you by the contemplation of the lord who is Bliss
Personified, will drive out all grief and worry. Move
forward towards the Light and the shadow falls behind; move
away from it and you have to follow your own shadow. Go
every moment one step nearer to the Lord and then
maya (illusion) which is the shadow will fall back
and will not delude you at all.
basic cause for the occurrence of feelings like hatred,
jealousy and anger is body consciousness. As long as body
consciousness remains, the body will be subject to these
types of feelings. For instance, all experiences derived
through the senses and the mind occurs only during the
waking state. When you go to sleep none of these experiences
are present. The experiences in the dream state are real as
long as the dream lasts. The experiences in the waking
state are real in that state. The Reality or Truth, is the
‘I’ that remains in all the states. Over the
ages, by identifying the ‘I’ with the body, its
true nature has been grossly underrated. The truth is, this
‘I’ is subtle and incomparable. It is beyond
change. This is the characteristic of Divinity. You must be
aware of this and make efforts to recognise this inherent
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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