Show deep gratitude to your parents. Tend to them with respect and adore them. On their anniversary of passing away, remember them and pay the tribute of at least a tear. Do it with faith (Shraddha), hence it is called Shraardha(religious ceremonial offering to the dead), note that they are not waiting for them in the other world! This tribute you offer should be in gratitude for the great chance they gave you for this sojourn in this world with all the wonderful opportunities it offers for self-realization. By the same token, parents must feel that they are servants appointed by the Lord to tend the little souls that are born in their households as the gardener tends the trees in the garden of the Master. Give children every opportunity and facility to develop their innate divine talents. Arouse the latent goodness in their tiny hearts through stories of saints and sages. Without fear, make them brave to practice righteousness.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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