
Monday, September 16, 2013

Thought for the Day

The love of the Gopis towards Krishna has led many ignorant people enmeshed in worldly attachments and physical attractions, to turn their faces away from God. Before passing judgement on any subject, you must investigate closely. The love of the Gopis towards Krishna was super-physical, the love of the soul for the Over-soul, of the river for the sea. Their joy when they feel His presence is as supreme as their grief when they feel they are deprived of it. That is why among the songs of the saints, you have Nindhaasthuthi also; that is to say, songs, which blame Him for being cruel, partial, negligent, etc.! Persons deep in this type of love see nothing else, hear nothing else; they behave like mad persons in the world’s view.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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