May you all develop Divine Love and stand out as the harbingers of a new age, free from selfishness, greed, hatred and violence. Let each of you be light unto yourself and thereby be a light unto others. There should be no differences or quarrel amongst devotees. When you come together and work on a common cause, there should be no scramble for power or position. What matters is the purity, intensity and sincerity of the devotion and the spirit of selfless sacrifice in which each devotee renders service to the needy and the suffering. God is always with you, in you and around you. When all differences are eradicated and devotees unite and conduct themselves with selfless devotion, each one of you will realise that God and you are one. I bless you so you may attain that bliss. This is Sai's Message to you all.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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