
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Lead a life suffused with love.

God does not expect you to perform rituals nor does He want you to study the scriptures. All that He desires from you is eight types of ‘flowers’. God will be pleased with you and confer boons on you only when you offer Him these ‘flowers’ which are dear to Him. No benefit accrues from offering the flowers, which fade away and decay. Offer Him the eight flowers of nonviolence, control of senses, compassion, for­bearance, peace, penance, meditation and Truth (ahimsa, indriya nigraha, daya, kshama, shanti, tapas, dhyana and sathya). Your life will find fulfillment when you please God by offering Him these ‘flowers’. Love is the undercurrent of all this. So lead a life suffused with love.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, December 30, 2013

whatever acts of charity you undertake, do it with the spirit of love and sacri­fice.(Not to convert from one religion to another religion !)

Human life is highly sacred, most precious and Divine. Do not fritter it away by indulging in unsacred activities. All that you find outside is nothing but the reflection, reaction, and resound of your inner feelings. Life must be lived in the proper way by exercising control over the ten senses. Speak sweetly and softly. You cannot always oblige, but you can always speak obligingly. Pray for the well-being of all. Sanctify your senses by serving all. By exercising control over your senses, you can achieve anything in life. You may think that you have given away ten bags of rice in charity and distributed clothes to 500 people. Such accounts are to be submitted to the income tax department and not to God. God is not interested in quantity; He sees the feeling behind your acts. So, whatever acts of charity you undertake, do it with the spirit of love and sacri­fice.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The tongue is liable for four big errors: uttering falsehood, scandalizing, finding fault with others, and excessive articulation.

Silence is the only language of the realized. Practice moderation in speech. That will help you in many ways. It will develop love, for most misunderstandings and factions arise out of carelessly spoken words. When the foot slips, the wound can be healed; but when the tongue slips, the wound it causes in the heart of another will fester for life. The tongue is liable for four big errors: uttering falsehood, scandalizing, finding fault with others, and excessive articulation. These have to be avoided if there is to be peace for the individual as well as for society. The bond between one another will be strengthened if people speak less and sweetly. That is why silence was prescribed as a vow for spiritual aspirants by the scriptures. You are all spiritual aspirants at various stages of the road, and so this discipline is valuable for you.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

People worship God with devotion and sincerity, but God is not satisfied with external worship. You should serve society. Only service can confer bliss on you. By rendering service to society, you can alleviate the sufferings of the people, and also bring about transformation in their lives. Yad Bhavam Tad Bhavathi (as is the feeling, so is the result). When you serve with sacred feelings, it is bound to yield sacred results. Serve society to your utmost capacity. The satisfaction that you get by participating in bhajans is temporary, whereas service confers permanent satisfaction. Time is the most precious gift of God, but you are wasting it in vain pursuits and unsacred feelings. Sanctify the time given to you by serving society. Through service alone you can get rid of worries, ego, pomp and show, and other evil qualities

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Thought for the Day

In the Prahaladha story, consider the emergence of the Lord from a pillar. The significance of the destruction of the pillar is a prelude to the manifestation of the Lord. The illusion relating to the body must be destroyed for the Divine to manifest Himself. The body is no doubt essential up to a point; it is for the performance of right actions and to discover the secret underlying all action. Do not give room for the waywardness of the mind. Purify your mind and direct it towards the righteous path. In the spiritual field there is no royal highway or shortcuts. The path is narrow and straight, and the goal is infinitely precious. Crowds swarm a fish market but only a few go to a diamonds shop. The road to God is for the genuine spiritual aspirants.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

The absence of good thoughts weakens the will power.

The most important requisite for people in the world is truth based on noble thoughts. True thoughts constitute the real, proper wealth. The absence of good thoughts weakens the will power. With a weak will, one can not accomplish even simple things. To achieve anything worthwhile in life you must strengthen your willpower. Your bad or good fortune is related directly to your thoughts. Sowing the seed of thoughts you reap the fruit known as Karma (deeds). Sowing the seed ofKarma, you then reap the fruit called practice (Abhyaasa). From Abhyaasa, you reap the fruit of character (Sheela). From Sheela you reap the fruit of good fortune (Adrushtam). Thus fortune is based on character, which is based on good practices arising out of good deeds based on good thoughts. Thus with the development of good thoughts, one's good fortune will also grow.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, December 26, 2013

ரூ10ல் சிறுநீரகக்கல்லுக்கு தீர்வு.

இன்றைய உணவுப்பழக்கத்தினால், சிறுநீரக கல் பிரச்சினை என்பது பெரும்பாலானவர்களுக்கு சாதாரணமாகிவிட்டது. இதனால் உண்டாகும் வலியானது,  வேறு எந்த வலியோடும் ஒப்பிடமுடியாதது. 

 ( ¼ ) கால் கிலோ ஃபிரஞ்சு பீன்ஸ் ( எல்லா கடைகளிலும் கிடைக்கிறது ) `ரூ10-க்கு வாங்கி, விதை நீக்கி, தண்ணீரில் கொதிக்க வைத்து (குறைந்தது 2 மணிநேரம்), மிக்ஸியில் நன்றாக அரைத்து குடித்து விட்டு, 10 நிமிடம் கழித்து, 2 லிட்டர் நீரை ( ஒரே முறையில் குடிக்க முடியவில்லையென்றால் சிறிது நேரம் விட்டு விட்டு) குடிக்க வேண்டும், இன்னும் அதிகமாக குடிக்க முடிந்தால் நலம். 

 கல்லானது சிறுநீரகத்திலிருந்து சிறு பைப் வழியாக சிறுநீர்பைக்கு சென்றடைகிறவரையிலும் வலி கொடுமையானதாக இருக்கும், அதன் பின் சிறுநீர் பையிலிருந்து வெளி வருகிறவரை, சிறுநீர் பாதையை அடைத்துக் கொண்டு, சிறுநீர் வரும்.. ஆனால் வராது... என்ற கதையாகிவிடும், பயந்துவிடாமல், நாம் பருகும் நீரின் அளவை அதிகரிக்க வேண்டும், சிறுநீர்பை நிறைந்து சிறுநீர் கழிப்பது கட்டுபடுத்தாத நிலைவரும், அப்போது, நாம் அதிக அழுத்ததுடன் சிறுநீர்கழித்தால் , வெளியே வந்துவிடும். கற்கள் ஒரு ஸேப் (SHAPE) இல்லாமல் இருப்பதால், உள்பாதையில் கிழித்து ரத்தமும் வரலாம், ஒரு நாளில் சரியாகிவிடும்.  தினமும் 3 லிட்டர் வரையிலும் தண்ணீர் குடித்து விடுங்கள்.

 சிறுநீரக்கல் வலி வந்த பிறகு அது தொடர்பாக நான் இணையதலத்தில் படித்ததில் சில : 

துளசி இலை(basil) : இந்த இலையின் சாருடன் , தேன் கலந்து ஆறு நாட்கள் உண்டால், கல் உடந்து விடுமாம்.( கல்வலி வந்த பிறகு ஆறு நட்கள் என்பது மிக அதிகமான காலம், அதனால், இதை நாம் கல்உருவாவதை தடுக்கும் முன்னெச்சரிக்கைக்காக அருந்தலாம்) ஆப்பிள்(Apple) : அடிக்கடி சாப்பிட்டாலும் கல் உருவாகாதாம்.

 திராட்சை ( Grapes) : இதில் உள்ள, நீரும், பொடாசியம் உப்பும், கல் உருவாகுவதை தடுக்குமாம். மேலும் இந்த பழத்தில் உள்ள ஆல்புமின் மற்றும் சோடியம் குளோரைடு கல் பிரச்சினக்கு நல்ல தீர்வாக இருக்குமாம். 

மாதுளம் பழம்(pomegranate ): இந்த பழத்தின் விதையைப் பிழிந்து, ஒரு டேபில் ஸ்பூன் அளவு எடுத்து, அதனுடன் 2 ஸ்பூன் கொள்ளு சாருடன்( குதிரைக்கு பிடித்தது..!!) சேர்த்து சாப்பிட்டால் , கல் பிரச்சினை தீருமாம். 

அத்திப்பழம்(Figs) : இந்த பழத்தை, நீரில் கொதிக்க வைத்து வடிகட்டி, ஒரு மாதம் தொடர்ந்து, காலையில் காலி வயிற்றில், பருகினால் பலன் தருமாம். 

தண்ணீர்பழம்(water melon ): நீரின் அளவு அதிகம் உள்ள பழம், பொட்டாசியம் உப்பின் அளவும் அதிகமாம், அதிகம் உண்பதால் கல் பிரச்சினை தீருமாம். 

இளநீர் : இளநீர் அதிக அளவு சேர்த்துக் கொல்வதாலும் கல் உருவாவதை தடுக்கலாமாம். 

வாழைத்தண்டு ஜூஸ் : வாழைத்தண்டு ஜூசுக்கு கல் உருவாவதை + கல் உருவானதை உடைக்கும்(diffuse) திரன் உள்ளதாம். மேற்சொன்னதை எவ்வளவு உட்கொண்டாலும், குடிக்கும் தண்ணீரின் அளவு (தினமும் 2 லிட்டரிலிருந்து 3 லிட்டர் வரை) குறைந்தால் கல் உருவாவது நிச்சயம் என்கிறார்கள். 

பின் குறிப்பு 1 : கல் ஏற்பட்ட பின் வலியை 

பொருக்கமுடியாதவர்கள் மருத்துவரிடம் 

சென்றுவிடுவதே நல்லது. 

பின் குறிப்பு 2 : இந்த முறையில் பக்க

விளைவுகளுக்கு சாத்தியமே 

இல்லையென்பதால், தைரியமாக பின்பற்றலாம்.

 இதுவரை கல் பிரச்சினை வராதவர்களும் 


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Mere action without knowledge is foolishness.

The human body, made up of the five basic elements and endowed with the five sense organs, is not different from the mind. The mind wears the body as a vesture. The mind, for its enjoyment, uses the body as an instrument. It is the cause of all experiences. A body without a mind is as illusory as a crop on a barren field. In ordinary life people regard the body as permanent and for the sake of its pleasures undertake all kinds of efforts. This is a sign of ignorance. A body without the mind is as useless as a school without a teacher and a temple without a deity. The body should be regarded as an instrument for right living. Today, people are developing their intellectual abilities but are using their intelligence for wrong purposes. Knowledge without right action is useless. Mere action without knowledge is foolishness. Hence it is necessary to combine knowledge with cultivation of character.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba


"சிதம்பரம் நடராஜர் கோயிலில் உள்ள சில அற்புதமான ரகசியங்கள் ஆச்சர்யங்கள் இவைகள் தான்."

சிதம்பரம் நடராஜர் கோயில் ரகசியம் என்று பலரும் பல விசயங்களை கூறிவரும் வேலையில், அந்த கோயிலில் இருக்கும் அறிவியல், பொறியியல், புவியியல், கணிதவியல், மருத்துவவியல் குறித்த ஆச்சர்யங்களின் சில தகவல்கள்.

முன்னோர்கள் செய்த எல்லா செயல்களும் ஒரு தெளிவான சிந்தனையை நோக்கியே பயணித்துள்ளது, அப்படி இருக்க அவர்கள் நிர்ணயித்த பிரம்மாண்டமான கற்கோவில்களுக்கு பின் இருக்கும் சில அற்புதங்களை ஏற்கனவே உங்களிடம் பகிர்ந்திருக்கிறேன், அந்த வகையில் சிதம்பரம் நடராஜர் கோயிலில் உள்ள சில அற்புதமான ரகசியங்கள் இவைகள் தான்."

(1) இந்த கோயில் அமைந்திருக்கும் இடமானது உலகின் பூமத்திய ரேகையின் சரியான மையைப் பகுதி என்று கூறப்படுகின்றது. ( Centre Point of World's Magnetic Equator ).

(2)பஞ்ச பூத கோயில்களில் ஆகாயத்தை குறிக்கும் தில்லை நடராஜர் ஆலயம், காற்றை குறிக்கும் காலஹஸ்தி ஆலயம், நிலத்தை குறிக்கும் காஞ்சி ஏகாம்பரேஸ்வர ஆலயமும் சரியாக ஒரே நேர்கோட்டில் அதாவது சரியாக 79 Degrees, 41 minutes East தீர்க்க ரேகையில் (LONGITUTE ) அமைந்துள்ளது, இன்று google map உதவியுடன் நாம் வானத்தின் மேல் இருந்து பார்ப்பதை போன்று பார்த்தால் மட்டுமே விளங்கும் இந்த துல்லியம் அன்றைக்கு கணிக்கப்பட்டது ஒரு பொறியியல்,புவியியல் மற்றும் வானவியியலின் உச்சகட்ட அதிசயம்.

(3) மனித உடலை அடிப்படையாக கொண்டு அமைக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும் சிதம்பரம் கோயிலில் 9 நுழைவு வாயில்களும், மனித உடலில் இருக்கும் 9 வாயில்களை குறிகின்றது.

(4) விமானத்தின் மேல் இருக்கும் பொற் கூரை 21,600 தங்கத்தகடுகளை கொண்டு வேயப்பட்டுள்ளது, இது மனிதன் ஒரு நாளைக்கு சராசரியாக 21600 தடவைகள் சுவாசிக்கிறான் என்பதை குறிக்கின்றது (15*60*24 = 21,600).

(5) இந்த 21,600 தகடுகளை வேய 72,000 தங்க ஆணிகள் பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளது, இந்த 72,000 என்ற எண்ணிக்கை மனித உடலில் இருக்கும் ஒட்டுமொத்த நாடிகளை குறிக்கின்றது.இதில் கண்ணுக்குத் தெரியாத உடலின் பல பாகங்களுக்கு சக்தியை கொண்டு சேர்ப்பவையும் அடங்கும்.

(6) திருமந்திரத்தில் " திருமூலர்"

மானுடராக்கை வடிவு சிவலிங்கம்
மானுடராக்கை வடிவு சிதம்பரம்
மானுடராக்கை வடிவு சதாசிவம்
மானுடராக்கை வடிவு திருக்கூத்தே

என்று கூறுகிறார், அதாவது " மனிதன் வடிவில் சிவலிங்கம், அதுவே சிதம்பரம், அதுவே சதாசிவம், அதுவே அவரின் நடனம்". என்ற பொருளைக் குறிகின்றது.

(7) "பொன்னம்பலம்" சற்று இடது புறமாக அமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது, இது நம் உடலில் இதயத்தை குறிப்பதாகும்.இந்த இடத்தை அடைய ஐந்து படிகளை ஏற வேண்டும், இந்த படிகளை "பஞ்சாட்சர படி" என்று அழைக்கப்படுகின்றது, அதாவது "சி,வா,ய,ந,ம" என்ற ஐந்து எழுத்தே அது. "கனகசபை" பிற கோயில்களில் இருப்பதை போன்று நேரான வழியாக இல்லாமல் பக்கவாட்டில் வருகின்றது. இந்த கனக சபை தாங்க 4 தூண்கள் உள்ளன,இது 4 வேதங்களை குறிக்கின்றது,

(8)பொன்னம்பலத்தில் 28 தூண்கள் உள்ளன, இவை 28 ஆகமங்களையும், சிவனை வழிபடும் 28 வழிகளையும் குறிக்கின்றன, இந்த 28 தூண்களும் 64 + 64 மேற் பலகைகளை கொண்டுள்ளது (BEAM ), இது 64 கலைகளை குறிக்கின்றது, இதன் குறுக்கில் செல்லும் பல பலகைகள்(CROSS BEAMS) , மனித உடலில் ஓடும் பல ரத்த நாணங்களை குறிக்கின்றது.

(9) பொற் கூரையின் மேல் இருக்கும் 9 கலசங்கள், 9 வகையான சக்தியை குறிக்கின்றது.அர்த்த மண்டபத்தில் உள்ள 6 தூண்கள், 6 சாஸ்திரங்களையும்,அர்த்த மண்டபத்தின் பக்கத்தில் உள்ள மண்டபத்தில் உள்ள 18 தூண்கள், 18 புராணங்களையும் குறிக்கின்றது.

(10) சிதம்பரம் நடராஜர் ஆடிக்கொண்டிருக்கும் ஆனந்த தாண்டம் என்ற கோலம் "cosmic dance" என்று பல வெளிநாட்டு அறிஞர்களால் அழைக்கபடுகின்றது.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

All of you are messengers of God. All of you are Children of God. So be free from selfishness and manifest the qualities of the Divine Father from today

Today we celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ. Jesus taught that you should seek the Kingdom of Heaven and to enter that Kingdom, you must cultivate loving hearts. Then your hearts would become the Kingdom of Heaven. When Jesus was born in the manger, three kings were led by a star to His place of birth. One of them, seeing the infant Jesus observed: "This Child will be a lover of God." The second said: "No, God will love Him." The third one said: "Verily He is God Himself." The significance of these three statements is - "To love God is to be His Messenger." To be loved by God is to be a son of God and finally, as Jesus Himself said: "I and My Father are one." Be aware that all of you are messengers of God. All of you are Children of God. So be free from selfishness and manifest the qualities of the Divine Father from today.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, December 23, 2013

Thought for the Day

You should broaden your heart that it may be filled with all-embracing love. Only then can the sense of spiritual oneness of all mankind be experienced. Out of that sense of unity will be born the love of God. This love will generate in the heart pure bliss that is boundless, indescribable and everlasting. For all forms of bliss, love is the source. A heart without love is like a barren land. Foster love in your hearts and redeem your lives. Whatever your scholarship or wealth, they are valueless without love. Sow the seed of love in your hearts and it will grow in due course into a big tree. God is one. Do not entertain any differences of religion, creed or caste. Carry the message of unity to every home. Embodiments of love! Regard Love as your life-breath and as the sole purpose of your existence.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Thought for the Day

Life must be associated with love, not hatred. Some people do not know how to talk courteously. Whatever they say is discourteous and harsh. This is not correct. Every human being should talk sweetly and softly. Your words must be suffused with love. Only then will you experience peace. When your behavior and speech is unpleasant, how can you expect peace to reign in your heart? Peace is not in the outside world; it is very much in your own heart. There are only pieces outside, not peace. You say “I want peace.” Let your behavior be good and courteous. Then, peace will flow from you. Lead a life of mutual love. ‘Love all! Serve all!’ This is My exhortation to you. If only there is love, you can achieve anything. Love is everything. Love is life; life is love.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Thought for the Day

Teachers should never curse their pupils, whatever the provocation. They must always bless them. The teacher who swears like a boor, reduces oneself to the level of a boor. They should watch their own behavior rigorously and find out whether there is some habit or trait, which if imitated by the student, will be harmful. They should themselves follow the advice they give. Otherwise, they will be teaching hypocrisy to the little children and encourage them to acquire the cunningness of not being caught when doing wrong. It is sheer mental weakness and cowardice that allows hypocrisy to develop. If you have the courage to face the consequences you will never utter falsehood. The teacher should not try to rule through the easier means of fear, for that is full of dangerous consequences for the pupils. They should try rather the path of Love.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, December 20, 2013

Thought for the Day

People suffer from two types of agony - the first one can be allayed through others’ intercession and the second can be allayed only by your own effort. For instance, hunger and thirst can be overcome only when you eat or drink. However much others may eat, will it abate even an iota of your hunger? So too, if your wife, mother or son offers to take an injection on your behalf, can your illness be cured? The hunger and illness of your soul is also the same. You must help yourself. The illness you face today is due to some infection. Your illness is caused by the viruses of desire, anger, greed, delusion, pride, jealousy (Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha andMathsarya). These viruses prevent your Divinity from shining forth; they cause discontent, worry, grief and pain. You can overcome them by manifesting your inner strength. Do not yield, fight them with the faith that you are eternal and unconquerable.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

You must develop a sense of spiritual oneness. Out of that sense of oneness, love will grow. Love alone can bind the whole of humanity into one unit. What do you see in the precincts of Prashanthi Nilayam? People gather from Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia and all parts of the world. What has brought them together in this small village? It is only love and the sense of oneness shared with others. The bliss of life is embedded in love, and it gives you pure bliss. When your life dances on the waves of this love, it attains fulfillment. Love and Sacrifice (Premaand Thyaga) are the two most important ideals in life. Love all, even those who hate you. That is the index of your devotion. Peace, truth and love are inherent in every being. Why do you search for them outside? Manifest these qualities which are within you. Cultivate forbearance and compassion. This is the way to foster the love principle.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Man can learn any number of good qualities from animals, birds, insects and worms.

Man can learn any number of good qualities from animals, birds, insects and worms. The animal, donkey is viewed with contempt. But the quality of patience to be found in a donkey is not found even in man. Whatever burdens may be heaped on its back, it bears them all with forbearance. Even when it is starved of food and water, it presents a calm face. Man has thus to learn the quality of forbearance from the donkey. The ant is one of the tiniest among insects. But the ant has a capacity for foresight; with foreknowledge of the rainy season ahead, it starts storing food from three months in advance. Then, there is the spider - Determination is one of its traits. How many times its web may be destroyed or broken, the spider will go on remaking it with relentless determination.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Education should also result in the purification of the heart.

True education means trying to manifest the inner divinity in man. How is this manifestation to be brought about? Students must receive education that illumines every aspect of life - the economic, the political, the moral, the spiritual and the physical, the mental and the social environment of man. It should not be confined to one specific sphere. Many students consider book knowledge as education. This gives them only superficial knowledge. They need practical knowledge which will enable them to lead righteous lives. Education should also result in the purification of the heart. Men and women must be taught to be sincere in thought, word and deed, as a mark of humanness. Students must also revere their parents at all times and promote the cause of social improvement. They must co-operate with all fellow-beings. These are the things all students should learn.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, December 16, 2013

Mankind today appears like a foolish man who is wielding the axe at the branch of a tree on which he is sitting.

Just as a child is entitled to enjoy the milk from its mother, there can be no objection to man enjoying the resources of nature. But as a result of uncontrolled desires and reckless exploitation of natural resources, Nature is exhibiting frightening disorders. Natural calamities like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, droughts and floods are the result of disturbances in the balance of Nature caused by this reckless exploitation. Mankind today appears like a foolish man who is wielding the axe at the branch of a tree on which he is sitting. You have to develop a sense of spiritual oneness. Out of that sense of oneness, love will grow. Man today does not recognise this sense of oneness. ‘Man’ is not the body alone. One has the mind, intellect and the Spirit (Atma) too. When the balance among these constituents is upset, people are plunged into troubles. On the other hand, when there is a balance, true humanness blossoms.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Thought for the Day

True education will make you divine. Education is not mere knowledge of words; it should broaden the mind. The mere acquisition of degrees is valueless. Character is more important and it can be developed only by taking to the spiritual path. Of what use is an education that does not promote good qualities? Together with academic education you have to acquire wisdom and a sense of right and wrong. Knowledge without wisdom, scholarship without determination, music without melody, learning without humility, a society without discipline, friendship without gratitude, and speech without truth - all these are utterly useless. Hence everyone should seek to follow the correct path. It is not greatness that matters but goodness. Make proper use of your education for the good of society.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Thought for the Day

Men and women must be governed by morality. In all countries morality and integrity should be like the life breath. It is only when people adhere to morality that human ideals like fraternity, equality and liberty can become meaningful in daily life. It is because of moral values having been given the go-by, that you find today’s society filled with disorder and unrest. The world will have respite from violence only when progress in science and technology is accompanied alongside by development of ethical and spiritual values. In the economic sphere, when one’s desires are governed by righteousness, a divine impulse will arise in that person. When the quest for wealth and the concern for worldly desires are based on righteousness (Dharma), the mind will spontaneously turn towards God.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, December 13, 2013

A life without culture is like a house without light.

A country does not mean a piece of earth. People make a country. And transformation should not be one dimensional. It is the entire process of refinement by which people get rid of their bad thoughts and actions, and cultivate good thoughts and do good acts in daily life. The value of a person is not derived from his or her educational qualifications alone. The cultural refinement of one’s lifestyle is also essential. A life without culture is like a house without light. A person without culture is like a stringless kite, which is tossed hither and thither. An education bereft of culture is worthless like a counterfeit coin. What is meant by culture? It is the realisation of the inherent Divinity in man and making it manifest in one's way of life.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Every individual, every family, every society and every nation seeks peace in all possible ways. People are perpetually in quest of happiness. But what is the happiness they seek? Is it worldly happiness and transient pleasures? These cannot confer true happiness. Only spiritual happiness can give true happiness. Why have people lost happiness? It is because they are afflicted with insatiable desires. These desires are the cause of various maladies. It is only by limiting desires and thereby eliminating the diseases arising from them that one can secure peace. Every person should strive in every way to achieve peace as the most desirable objective. Embodiments of Love! There is no greater happiness than contentment (Santhosham). There is no penance superior to peace of mind.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Daty

You are under the mistaken notion that you are rendering service to others. You should give up such a feeling. Only then does the service you perform become real service in the strict sense of the term. Service does not merely mean helping others. The best way to love God is to love all and serve all. Your acts of service should be suffused with the spirit of love. Without the positive aspect of love, all service you render becomes negative in nature. All bodies are like bulbs and love is the main switch. Only when the main switch is pressed, will the bodies radiate light and happiness to one and all. You are switching off the main switch and trying to enjoy happiness. It is impossible! HridDaya (compassion) = Hridaya (heart). Your heart should be filled with compassion. All your activities should be suffused with love. There is no strength superior to love.

                                  Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Thought for the Day

Today there are many who are highly educated. But what help are they rendering to society? Practically nothing! They are acquiring degrees for the sake of earning money. Modern students are taking to the wrong path in the name of love. They do not understand what true love is. People often use the word saying, “I love you, I love you.” You should be prepared to sacrifice for others all that is dear to you. That is true love. Love is God, live in love. Only then will you be able to understand the true nature of love. Do not misinterpret love in a worldly sense. Love is the gift of God to every individual. It should be utilized for the service of society. You must share your love with others through constructive service. Only then you will have the right to be a part of society.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, December 9, 2013

Thought for the Day

What is true humanness? You should treat your fellowmen as your own brothers and sisters. You deserve to be called a human being only when you cultivate the spirit of unity. Where there is no unity, there you find enmity and hatred. Consequently, the principle of love is lost altogether. Your foremost duty is to share your love with others. Only then can you realise the dictum: ‘Brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God’. You may or may not believe in the fatherhood of God, but you must have faith in the brotherhood of man; practise it and experience bliss therefrom. It is only when we share our love with our fellowmen, can we experience Divinity.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Thought for the Day

Consider love as your life and truth as your breath. There is an intimate and inseparable relationship between love and truth. Today people use the word love without actually knowing its meaning. As they do not know the value and meaning of love, it is trivialized. People are under the mistaken notion that worldly and physical attachment is love and consider such love as large as life. True love will reign supreme only when you get rid of selfishness and develop the spirit of sacrifice. Love is God, God is love. But you are craving for worldly love which is bereft of life. You should aspire for Divine Love which is truly your very life. True spiritual discipline lies in connecting your love with Divine Love. Your life will be sanctified when you have such steady and selfless Divine Love.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Thought for the Day

Always remember that your education is not merely to amass wealth or to eke out a livelihood. Money cannot confer true happiness. Do not deviate from Right Conduct (Dharma) for the sake of wealth (Dhana). Dharma is our life; Truth is our breath; and Good Reputation is our wealth. You should not crave for worldly name and fame. Once you practise Dharma, you will naturally attain good reputation. Dharma is related to the heart. Practise ofDharma is termed as Ritam which will make you immortal. We have today forgotten the great scholars and those who demonstrated great ideals. We should remember people who have sacrificed their life for a noble cause and try to emulate them. It is the spirit of sacrifice that has protected and sustained this country and this Universe for many generations. Offer your lives for the protection of Dharma and not for amassing wealth.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Love is the eternal principle that is present in all. But people are expressing their love for selfish purposes. You should eschew selfishness and self-interest, and develop the spirit of sacrifice with courage and conviction. How can you become courageous? It is possible only when you practice righteousness (Dharma). Many noble persons have sacrificed their lives for the cause of Dharma and never craved for name and fame. Sacrifice (Thyaga) is true Yoga. You too should practice this Yoga and become deserving of Divine Grace. Any activity done with a business-mind will not make you happy. Enquire within yourself and develop the spirit of sacrifice. Only then there will be a transformation of heart. So long as you do not give up selfishness, you cannot achieve anything worthwhile in life. You should cast aside selfishness and cultivate selflessness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, December 6, 2013

Thought for the Day

The same, nameless, formless and attributeless Divinity is referred to as AtmaBrahman or Vishnu by different people. The underlying principle (Atma Tattwa) is one and the same. Take the example of a house. In the front portion of the house, you will find a verandah, then a living room and also a kitchen. Thereafter, you will find a bathroom and a toilet too. Thus, there are different names for different utilities. How did they acquire these names? It is only because they are so divided by walls, for different purposes. But the truth is they are all parts of the same house. Similarly, different people have different names and they establish different relationships with many people like mother, father, brother, etc. From where did these relationships come? Everything is your own making. Remove these barriers. What then remains is a vast expanse of Oneness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thought for the Day

Always remember that your education is not merely to amass wealth or to eke out a livelihood. Money cannot confer true happiness. Do not deviate from Right Conduct (Dharma) for the sake of wealth (Dhana). Dharma is our life; Truth is our breath; and Good Reputation is our wealth. You should not crave for worldly name and fame. Once you practise Dharma, you will naturally attain good reputation. Dharma is related to the heart. Practise ofDharma is termed as Ritam which will make you immortal. We have today forgotten the great scholars and those who demonstrated great ideals. We should remember people who have sacrificed their life for a noble cause and try to emulate them. It is the spirit of sacrifice that has protected and sustained this country and this Universe for many generations. Offer your lives for the protection ofDharma and not for amassing wealth.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathy Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

In every one of you, God is the moving spirit, the very Soul; how then can you be evil, when you are here fulfilling God’s purpose, according to His will, His plan and His law? God has endowed you with many faculties so that you may seek Him and reach Him. You are not therefore, a helpless and neglected individual undergoing a sentence of death. You are an embodiment of bliss, born to a rich heritage, which is all yours! Only you fail to ask. Have faith in your destiny and work steadily to attain it! Devotion is attachment to God - you need not leave hearth and home for it. If the seed is planted away from the parent tree, will it grow any different? No! Boil the seed and then it will not grow again. Similarly, boil your instincts and impulses, and scorch the sensory cravings that enslave you. Then you will get nearer to God, wherever you may be.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thought for the Day

Do not consider prayer and meditation (japam anddhyanam) as the pastime of ‘freaks, geeks and cracks’. Hold fast to them, for they alone can save you from ruin. Offer to the Lord, not flowers got in exchange for a few coins or rupees from the shop, but the fragrant flowers of your own virtues. Let tears of joy be the holy water with which you seek to wash the feet of the Lord. Consider the Lord you adore, be it Hanuman or Krishna or Jesus, as comprising of all forms of Divinity. Do not argue that other forms are less and your form is greater. Be aware that every form of Divine is equally sweet.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thought for the Day

Mud existed before plates and pots were made out of it; pots and plates are mud, and mud will remain when plates and pots are no more. The plate and the pot must be aware of their being always mud; that in other words, is Self-Realisation. When that is achieved, wherever your eyes are cast, you will find yourself; and wherever your attention is directed, you will see your reflection. Begin to feel it now, from this very moment! Seek to identify yourself as part of the grand and glorious Entity, for all Grandeur and all Glory is His, ultimately!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba