In the Prahaladha story, consider the emergence of the Lord from a pillar. The significance of the destruction of the pillar is a prelude to the manifestation of the Lord. The illusion relating to the body must be destroyed for the Divine to manifest Himself. The body is no doubt essential up to a point; it is for the performance of right actions and to discover the secret underlying all action. Do not give room for the waywardness of the mind. Purify your mind and direct it towards the righteous path. In the spiritual field there is no royal highway or shortcuts. The path is narrow and straight, and the goal is infinitely precious. Crowds swarm a fish market but only a few go to a diamonds shop. The road to God is for the genuine spiritual aspirants.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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