
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thought for the day

Meditation does not mean simply sitting with eyes closed, contemplating on a Form. You may close your eyes, and focus on the form. But if there is some fickleness in the mind while meditating, then it becomes concentration and not contemplation. When the fickle-mindedness fades away, then your concentration becomes steady and turns into contemplation and slowly, you forget both yourself and the Form, and attain Samadhi. Ultimately, there will be no Form – hence it is called Atma. People give it different names. Don’t worry if you are worshipping one Form over another – it is not the end; this is not concentration. Persist and focus on the Form and see that it becomes steady. As you proceed further on the path, your focus becomes fully steady and contemplation blossoms into meditation.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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