
Friday, September 5, 2014

Your body is a house given to you on rent. Live there so long as He wills, thanking Him and paying Him the rent of faith and devotion.

Emperor Bali demonstrated through his sacrificing nature that if one sacrifices everything, one will attain moksha (liberation). The real sacrifice involves two things: First, to realise the cause of our bondage in this life, and second, to sever this bondage. People mistakenly think that wealth, family, etc., are their bondages, and that by severing connections with them they will be able to sacrifice everything and become eligible to attain moksha. But these are not the real bondage. Real bondage is one’s ignorance in identifying oneself with the body. He who cuts off this bondage as Bali did, will attain moksha. For cutting off this bondage, purification of the heart is very necessary. In this Kaliyuganamasmarana (constant remembrance of God) is the easiest way to purify one's mind; and surrendering to God with a pure mind is the surest way to attain moksha.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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