
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Thought for the Day

God assumes many forms and enacts many activities. The nameBhagavatha is given to the descriptions of the experiences of those who have realised Him in those forms and of those who have been blessed by His grace and chosen as His instruments. The great epic called Bhagavatha is a panacea that cures physical, mental and spiritual illnesses. By Bhagavatha we also mean those with attachment to God, those who seek the companionship of God. Being in the midst of such Bhagavathas fosters one’s own devotion. Unless you have a taste for God-ward thoughts, you will not derive joy therefrom. To create that taste, the Bhagavatha tells stories to the earnest inquirer that relate to incarnations. Then one develops the yearning to experience the thrill of God, through all the levels of consciousness. One who has this intense yearning can alone be a true Bhagavatha.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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