
Monday, August 22, 2016

Thought for the Day

You might have heard Me speak many times about repetition of the Lord’s Name and its fruits, how it slowly changes character, modifies conduct, mellows you and takes you nearer the Goal. Well, there are two ways of doing this: either with rosary beads - turning the beads automatically, just as mechanically, punctually and as carefully as any other routine act of daily life, or, as it ought to be done, that is, repeating the Name, irrespective of the target number, dwelling deep on the Form it represents and on the divine attributes connoted by it, tasting It, reveling in It, enjoying the contexts and associations of the Name, relishing Its sweetness and getting lost in Its Music. Of course you will hanker after the taste of the Name only when you are gnawed by the pangs of hunger. You cannot relish the Name or the Form if you suffer from constipation as a consequence of over-indulgence in worldly affairs.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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