
Monday, September 5, 2016

Thought for the Day

Of all the branches of education, spiritual education is the true education. In comparison, spiritual education is the ocean while the other branches of education are like the rivers. When rivers go and merge in the ocean, they acquire the depth and glory of the unfathomable ocean. Similarly when all forms of education blend and merge with spiritual education, they acquire the form and grandeur of the ocean of wisdom. When your education is combined with penance (tapas), then the blossoming of your heart and the ennobling of your ideas will occur naturally. Tapas does not mean that you should give up everything and go to the forest and stand there with your head on the ground. Tapas is one, through which, you can harmonise your thought, word and deed with each other. When such a sacred type of education is given along with proper culture, great and noble ideas will blossom from within you.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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