
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Thought for the Day

Parents and children must join together and sing the glory of God. Embodiments of love, your life must be dedicated to God: as a first step, you must devote a few minutes everyday to the adoration of His glory and enjoying the depth of that glory. Gradually, when the sweetness of the habit heartens you, you will devote more and more time and feel increasingly content. The purpose of 'living' is to achieve ‘living in God’. Everyone is entitled to that consecration and consummation. You are the Truth; do not lose faith; do not belittle yourselves. You are Divine, however often you slide from humanity to animality or even lower. Cultivate Love; share that love with all. How can you give one person less and another more, when they are both the same as you? If you forget the basic Divinity, hatred sprouts and envy raises its hood. See the divine (Atma) in all. Then Love sprouts, and peace descends like dew.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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