
Friday, July 7, 2017

A man of wisdom is more powerful than a physically strong man, just as a puny mahout is able to control an elephant.

Sun is the natural source of light. Human life is impossible without Sunlight. Sunlight is the cause for rains which enable crops to grow. Sun is also the source of health and happiness. Similarly, Right conduct (Dharma) is the Sunlight that illumines the entire Universe. The word Dharma means ‘that which upholds’. It is Dharma which teaches the right relationship between two individuals and between societies. Dharma reveals to every being, through their hearts, what is right and wrong, what is true and false. It is righteousness which promotes the well being of societies. It is the protector of universal well being. The Universe cannot be sustained without Dharma. A man of wisdom is more powerful than a physically strong man, just as a puny mahout is able to control an elephant. It is not enough for people to rely on physical strength alone.

 Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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