
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Thought for the Day

God is the source of all Love. Love cures pettiness, hate and grief. Love loosens bonds; it saves you from the torment of birth and death. Love binds all hearts in a soft silken symphony. Seen through the eyes of Love, all beings are beautiful, all deeds are dedicated, and all thoughts are innocent. Love God and Love the world as the vesture of God, no more, no less. The world is one vast kin. If you pay attention to the individual, differences thrust themselves on you. Fix your attention on the samasthi (the collective), then points of identity will be more apparent. If you concentrate on the outer labels - Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Parsi, Buddhist - then, you will develop pride or contempt or hatred! But if you focus on the struggle that man undergoes to raise himself from the flesh to reach the level of Divinity, you will find all labels insignificant. Then it is all love, co-operation, mutual encouragement and appreciation.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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