
Friday, September 28, 2018

Thought for the Day

The Lord is so full of Grace that He will willingly guide and guard all who surrender to Him. When the battle with Ravana was over, one glance from His merciful eye was enough to revive the monkey hordes and heal their wounds. There were some rakshasas (demons) who had penetrated into the camp in the guise of the monkeys; when they were brought before Rama for summary punishment, Rama smiled and pardoned them, for they had assumed the monkey form so dear to Him; He sent them away, unharmed to the enemy's camp. That was the measure of His mercy. To win that Grace, you must become permeated with dharma so that every act is God-worthy. With the sharp chisel of intellect, shape the mind into a perfect image of the embodiment ofdharma (Rama). Then, the rough-hewn idol of humanity that you now are, will shine with the splendour of Divinity itself. That is the task to which you should dedicate yourself today.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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