
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Covid 19 - Madurai

I strictly adhere to the instructions given by the Government.  You?

Today my son went to Grocery shop and he said each and everyone are wearing mask and maintaining social distancing. He also noticed that many cookies,groceries were sold out due to panic buying so he didn't purchased few items there. So, after few hours he went to another small grocery shop which is near to our house and purchased the reaming items. Since there is no public transport available during lock down, roads were free from crowds,bus,share autos. However few people are roaming with their two wheeler even though they are aware about the risk of pandemic virus. Police were enquiring only with two wheeler riders and people who were walking without any reason were not enquired in our area.

Recently my son called his childhood friend over phone and had good conversation with him.My son being a introvert doesn't have habit of calling so I asked why did you called him and what is the reason behind it?. He said that his friend is doing BDS at bikaner. He came to Madurai 3 months ago before lock down. But, now the problem is the area where he used to live in Madurai is declared as containment area.So he called him and enquired whether medicines,groceries,vegetables,fruits are supplied in that zones.His friend said that the containment zone is  very far from his area so don't worry about it he also added that one of his cousin lives in containment zone and Madurai Corporation is providing vegetables, fruits , medicine if they call them.

Jai Sri Ram

Thought for the Day

Desire breeds wishes. Wishes create birth and death. The next birth is the result of unfulfilled desires in this life! Those who have no trace of desire for material objects can achieve the awareness of the Atmic reality. In fact, the desire to know God, to love God, and to be loved by God does not bind. When awareness of God dawns in all its splendour, every worldly, sensual desire is reduced to ashes in the flames of that awareness. The individual Self will turn towards the Universal Self as soon as desire comes to an end and the Self delights in supreme peace (parama shanthi). The Self must break off all contact with non-self, so that it can earn immortality. You are a heap of thoughts. Your thoughts play a vital role in shaping your life. Hence watch your thoughts and carefully welcome only good ones! Spiritual learning (vidya) stabilises good thoughts in the mind and thus rises to the status of knowledge of the supreme Reality (Atma-vidya).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Anger will pollute the earned wisdom. Unbridled desire will foul all actions. Greed will destroy devotion and dedication. Anger, desire, and greed will undermine the actions, spiritual wisdom, and devotion and make one a boor. But the root cause of anger is desire, and desire is the consequence of ignorance. Ignorance is the characteristic of the animal (pasu). The animal is that which has outward vision and accepts what the external vision conveys. The inward vision will lead a person to Pasupati, the Lord of all living beings. One who has not mastered the senses is an animal. An animal is born with qualities that cannot be eliminated so easily. It has no capacity to understand the meaning of the advice given. But people can be educated into better ways. Hence the statement in the scriptures, “For all animate beings, birth as a human is a rare achievement.” Humans are indeed the most fortunate and most holy among animals, for their inborn qualities can be sublimated.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Many people interpret renunciation to mean either giving away money and land as charity or performing rituals or sacrifices (yajna or yaga), or giving up hearth, home, wife, and children and proceeding to the forest. But renunciation does not mean such gestures of weak mindedness. These are not as difficult to give up as they are believed to be. The real renunciation is the giving up of desire. This is the real goal of a person’s existence, the purpose of all his efforts. It involves giving up lust, anger, greed, hatred, etc. The fundamental renunciation should be that of desire. The other feelings and emotions are its attendant reactions. Desire implies the presence of lust, anger, greed, etc. These latter are veritable gateways to hell. Envy is the bolt, and pride is the key. Unlock and lift the bolt, and you can enter in.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, April 27, 2020

Thought for the Day

Moksha means liberation. Every living being is perforce an aspirant (mumukshu) for liberation, a practitioner of renunciation. Everyone has to be a renunciate  (tyagi),  versed in detachment. This is the final truth, the indisputable truth. When we give up our body and leave, we don’t take even a handful of earth with us. When we don’t learn to give up, upon death nature teaches us this great truth about the need and value of detachment and renunciation. So it is good to learn the lesson even before this happens. The person who learns and practises this truth is indeed blessed. Detachment is the second valuable virtue that spiritual learning (vidya) imparts (the first being the absence of pride and egotism). Empty a pot of the water that filled it, and the sky that one could see within the pot as an image or shadow gets lost along with the water. But the genuine sky enters the pot. So too, when that which is not Atma is discarded, Atma remains and liberation is attained.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Thought for the Day

Rama’s heart was filled with compassion; he gave refuge to anyone who took shelter in Him and surrendered to Him. He gave refuge to Ravana’s brother and treated him like His own brother Lakshmana. Rama announced, ‘If anyone says once, I am Yours, they are Mine forever’! Rama lived and taught right action (dharma) through His every act and established dharma in practice and precept. He fostered and guarded good people (sadhus). He removed their sufferings, drew them to Himself, and their lives were fulfilled through His grace. He recognised no distinctions of high and low. He was a master of all the scriptures (sastras), and knew the meaning of all the Vedas. Rama transformed the world into a realm of righteousness through varied activities and examples. Love, beauty, and virtue emanated from Him and spread to all. For all householders, Rama is the ideal. His advent was for restoring spiritual values and saving the world from moral disaster!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Love is Divine.

Love is Divine. Love all, share your love even with those that lack love. Pure Love is like a mariner’s compass. Wherever you keep it, it will point Godward! In every action of your daily life manifest selfless love. Divinity will emerge from that! This is the easiest path to God-realisation. But why aren’t people taking to it? This is because they are obsessed with misconception relating to the means of experiencing God. They regard God as some remote entity attainable only through arduous spiritual practices. God is everywhere. There is no need to search God anywhere. All you see is a manifestation of the Divine. All human beings you see are forms of the Divine. Correct your defective vision and you will experience God in all things. Speak lovingly, act lovingly, think with love and do every action with a love-filled heart. Understand that the path of divine love is the easiest, sweetest and surest pathway to God!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

God is present in everyone.

God is present in everyone. He resides in every heart. So do not confine God to a temple, a mosque or a church. Where a human being is, there God is. God takes the form of a human (Daivam manusha rupena). As you forget and do not realise this important fact, you indulge in criticism of others. Whom are you criticising? Whom do you adore? Enquire for yourself. God is present in all. If you criticize others, you criticize God. Whoever you salute, it reaches God (Sarva jeeva namaskaram Keshavam prati gacchati) and whoever you insult or ridicule, it also reaches God! (Sarva jeeva tiraskaram Keshavam prati gacchati). Right from this moment, embark on a new life, giving up bad thoughts and evil qualities. Purify your heart. Love all, have faith that God is present in all. Fill your heart with pure love. Let your thoughts, words and deeds be sacred. Only then will your life be blissful.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sai Baba meaning

Consider the meaning of the name ‘Sai Baba’. ‘Sa’ means Divine; ‘ai’ or ‘ayi’ means mother, and ‘Baba’ means father. Your physical parents exhibit love with a dose of selfishness; but Sai, your Divine Mother and Father, showers affection or reprimands only to lead you towards victory in the struggle for self-realisation. For, this Sai has come in order to achieve the supreme task of uniting the entire mankind as one family through the bond of brotherhood. His task is to affirm and illuminate the Atmic Reality of each being in order to reveal the Divine which is the basis on which the entire cosmos rests. It is also His task to instruct all to recognise the common divine heritage that binds one to another, so that you can rid yourself of the animal and rise into the Divine. I had to tell you so much about My Truth, for I wish that you contemplate on this and derive joy therefrom. I wish that you may be inspired to observe the disciplines laid down by Me and progress towards the Goal of Self-realisation, the realisation of the Sai that shines in your hearts.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

A life without good character is a shrine without light, a coin that is counterfeit, and a kite with a broken string.

Teachers should reveal the direction and the goal. Students lay the road and journey into the future. The skill and strength, status and stature of mankind are shaped and furthered in proportion to the quality and character of its teachers. Character is the hallmark of humanity. Teachers must dedicate their learning and wisdom to the great task of uplifting pupils to higher levels of knowledge and action. The virtues they help inculcate in their pupils are essential for the uplift of society. Every student must endeavour to unfold the divine present within and equip oneself for serving society with skill and knowledge. When virtues are rooted in the heart, every being shines in full glory. A life without good character is a shrine without light, a coin that is counterfeit, and a kite with a broken string.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Thought for the Day

You develop love for many things in this world. Desire is the root-cause of all your sufferings. ‘Less luggage, more comfort, makes travel a pleasure’. When there is luggage, you cannot escape from trouble. Here luggage refers to worldly relationships and desires. You can have real happiness only when you reduce your luggage, viz. worldly bondage. There is nothing in this world that you should desire for. If any worldly desire crops up in your mind, give it up at once. Giving up desires is true renunciation. There are so many millionaires in this world – is anyone able to live forever? They all come and go! No matter what one accumulates, everyone has to return empty-handed. Ultimately, all worldly possessions are useless. Hence do not develop undue worldly relations or desires. You should have body consciousness only to discharge your duties. Do your duties conscientiously, making best use of the present; do not unnecessarily worry about what is to come in future.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Teachers must adopt the spiritual discipline (sadhana) of purifying their emotions in order to earn the status and authority of gurus. A true guru must guide their students to lead a worthy and happy life. And true students must respond with eagerness and adoration. Teachers are responsible for the nature and quality of the activities and character of their students. They have the opportunity to impress the youth through their scholarship and leadership. So they must keep clear of selfish aggrandisement and political manoeuvering and have only spiritual enlightenment as their ideal in life. The members of the teaching staff must move amongst themselves as brothers and sisters. Students will become aware of differences and rivalries between their teachers. Of course, differences are inevitable and may even be useful. But differences shouldn’t pollute mutual relations, hinder the progress of the institution, and adversely affect the processes of teaching and learning. Teachers must consult each other and cooperate with each other.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Stop the habit of worrying.

Stop the habit of worrying. Doubts are the cause of your worry. You face more difficulties because of your habit of worrying. Perform your duties sincerely without worrying for anything. When you lead a truthful life, you will not have to run after anyone or beg for favours. Once you cultivate true love for God, you will have everything in life. Experience the bliss that is within your heart without making a show of it to others. On the one side is the world and on the other, God. You cannot have both simultaneously. It is like riding on two horses which is sure to prove dangerous. Focus your mind only on God and have total faith in Him. Always think of God, both in pleasure and pain. Desire only for God. Do not worry too much about your difficulties. All difficulties are like passing clouds. When you cultivate love for God, all your difficulties will vanish in a trice.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, April 17, 2020

Thought for the Day

Hands are not the only limbs or agents involved in human activity (karma). Whatever you do, see, or hear, you should be vigilant about its purity. Thought, word and deed must be free from pride, greed and hatred. The words that you utter must be free from these faults; things that you yearn to hear must be free from superficially attractive qualities; and the pleasure that you seek must not be polluted by evil. What enters the ear might not be clear to the mind; it might reach the mind only in a hazy form. So education has to be so imparted that it is received clearly by the mind. To achieve this aim, it has to be transmitted through heads, tongues, and hands that are pure, with no blemish that warps. Only then can the learning be clear and the wisdom bright.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thought for the Day

The deed, the work in which the hands are engaged, is the source of happiness or misery. You assert that you are happy, anxious and afraid, or that you are in trouble. And most often, we attribute the cause of these expressions to someone other than ourselves. This is incorrect; happiness and misery are due to our own actions. Whether you choose to accept or reject this truth, you will experience the consequences of your action. This is the law of nature. You may not believe in summer or winter, in fire or rain, but you cannot escape from heat and cold. They affect you anyway. Therefore, the virtuous and wise direct their activities along proper lines. Assimilate these lessons and demonstrate their effect in your thoughts, words and translate them into action!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Thought for the Day

All of you are the embodiments of love and Divinity. All that has to happen will happen. Do not worry about it. Past is past, forget the past. Future is uncertain, do not brood over it. Present is important, live in the present and be happy. Do not worry about the past and future. Where is the past? Many people have passed away. Has any of them come back? None. Similarly we do not know anything about the future. Why should we worry about it? Seek happiness in the present. When you have such an attitude, you will never worry about anything in life. What is the shape of worry? It is a mentally created fear. We should never worry. Hurry, worry, and curry are the causes of heart diseases. You should therefore avoid hurry, worry and curry. A true devotee will not have any worries. You cannot call yourself a true devotee if you are beset with worries.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Thought for the Day

For acquiring selfless love, the quality of kshama or forbearance is a vital necessity. (kshama is a word rich in meaning. Besides forbearance, it also implies extreme patience and an enormous capacity to forget and also forgive). Every individual must cultivate this noble quality. Kshama is not achieved by reading books or from an instructor. Nor can it be received as a gift from someone else. This prime virtue of kshama can be acquired solely by self-effort, by facing squarely diverse problems and difficulties of various sorts, by going through anxieties and suffering as well as sorrow. In the absence of kshama, man becomes susceptible to all kinds of evil tendencies. Hatred and jealousy easily take root in a person lacking this virtue. Divinity is merely the combined manifestation of prema (love) and kshama.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, April 13, 2020

Calendar is a man-made device.

To embark on a new life, you need not wait for the arrival of a new year. Treat every second as new. Sanctify every moment of your life. The observance of the beginning of a New Year is based on the statements of the almanac maker. Calendar is a man-made device. The sun and the moon remain unchanged. The omnipotent and omnipresent Divine transcends such ideas. Earnestly aspire to realise the unity of Sat (the Divine) and Chit (the individual Consciousness). When this union is achieved, you will experience Ananda (Spiritual Bliss). This is the primary task before everyone. All of you should aspire to achieve that essential purpose of your human birth. You are bound by your own actions in this world. Regard the entire cosmos as a great mansion of the Supreme Lord! Let your actions be good. Be pure in your speech. Develop a sacred vision and purify your hearts.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Thought for the Day

We must transform the divine power latent in you into skill, for undertaking any useful activity. When knowledge is converted into skill, you acquire balance in life. In such a state of equanimity, you will develop insight. Ennobled with such an insight and divine power, you should undertake a noble activity. Only then it will be most fruitful and beneficial to everyone. Always undertake noble activities with a pure mind. Unity brings purity, and purity in turn leads to Divinity. You should never forget the inseparable relationship between unity, purity, and Divinity, and always strive to achieve that. You must all come together and work together in the spirit of sacrifice. Spirituality is not a business activity. Spirituality is divine. Spirituality is associated with unity. This unity in diversity alone will bring you happiness. I wish that you cultivate that principle of unity. Then, every activity undertaken by you will acquire its due value and sanctity!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Two different characteristics are to be found amongst people. One common characteristic is to delude themselves that they are good individuals with many virtues, intelligence and talent. The second category which is rare, is recognition of the good quality in others, their merits, abilities and good deeds, and appreciate their ideals. Jesus belonged to the second category. He saw the good qualities in others, rejoiced over their virtues and shared his joy with others. Jesus taught that God is Love and that the human birth should be used to realize the Indwelling Spirit! He declared that there was nothing great about returning good for good. People should do good even to those who harm them. Embodiments of Divine Love! Strike down the walls that separate you from another being. Get rid of all differences! Cultivate love in your hearts. Remember and worship the Lord with love. What kind of devotion is it if one does not practice the Lord’s teachings?

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, April 10, 2020

Thought for the Day

Jealousy is the first bad quality that makes its entry when kshama (forbearance) makes its exit. The Mahabharata gives a graphic portrayal of how life that is otherwise smooth, can be totally shattered by jealousy. The golden island Lanka was like the very heavens but Ravana’s jealousy reduced it to ruins. Kshama will give you complete protection, its absence will plunge you into distress and disaster. Impatience breeds selfishness and promotes jealousy, which together spur infighting and divisive tendencies of various kinds. The troubles we often experience are largely due to the absence of this noble quality of kshama. Impatience has ruined even very great spiritual aspirants. Likewise, kings have been reduced to beggars. Absence of kshama can make yogis into rogis (sick persons). Without kshama, mankind degrades and starts declining, and cultivating this quality will help it progress in leaps and bounds!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Jesus knew that God wills all. So even when He suffered agony on the cross, He bore no ill-will towards anyone and exhorted those with Him to treat all as instruments of God’s will. It is very difficult to develop unwavering faith and practice this in daily living! The mind, as Arjuna complained, hops from belief to doubt, causing turmoil and confusion. However you can conquer it with self-effort! The black bee can bore a hole in the hardest wood. But while it is sipping nectar from the lotus-flower and dusk intervenes, the open petals close in on the bee, imprisoning it, with no hope of escape! The black bee does not know how to deal with softness! So too, your mind plays its tricks and jumps everywhere; when placed on the lotus feet of the Lord, it becomes inactive and harmless. Cultivate detachment and subdue the vagaries of the mind, and manifest the Divinity latent within you.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Thought for the Day

The first thing you have to do is to develop self-confidence. It is such people who have no confidence in their own self who begin to wander about and waver, and take to various different paths. When you take your body to different places, and when you go about moving aimlessly, the mind also goes to different places. The first thing is to steady your physical body. If you have a container filled with water, if the container is continually moving, then the contents will continually be moving. So we should not continuously move our body and our limbs in an aimless manner; this is a very essential part of our practice of meditation. We should sit quiet and the body should be steady. Why do we ask people to sit straight and to sit quiet in meditation? Because when the body is straight and quiet, the mind inside is also straight and quiet. The first thing is to control your body by ensuring that all the limbs and body organs are steady.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Whatever the trouble, however great the sorrow, persist and win by recollecting the Lord

Arjuna was the brother-in-law of Krishna; they were great friends too. Krishna undoubtedly had the power to transform in a trice the way-ward mind of his kinsman into an illumined instrument for resolute action. But Krishna did not use any of His powers! He only prescribed the medicine and the regimen; Arjuna had to swallow the drug and follow the regimen himself, in order to be saved. Krishna said, "You are My friend, you are My kinsman, you are now so near to Me that I am now your charioteer, you are also in great distress; I agree that the delusion which has overpowered you must be removed quickly; but your ignorance (ajnana) must fall off through your own efforts, not through some miracle of My design." Truth that is won by one's own struggle with untruth will be lasting treasure; the struggle will strengthen you to treasure the real treasure!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

உலகம் முழுவதும் கொரோனா பயம் பிடித்து ஆட்டிப்படைத்துக்கொண்டு இருக்கின்றதே. இதனின்று விடுபட இறைவன் தாள் பணிவோம்.

ஜெய் ஶ்ரீ ராம் . மஹாபெரியவா திருவடிகள் சரணம்
இன்று ஶ்ரீ ஆதிசங்கரர் அருளிய ஶ்ரீவைத்யநாதாஷ்டகம் அர்த்தத்துடன் படித்துப் பிரார்த்திப்போமே .
மஹாதேவ மஹாதேவ மஹாதேவ மஹாதேவ
மஹாதேவ மஹாதேவ மஹாதேவ மஹாதேவ /
மஹாதேவ மஹாதேவ மஹாதேவ மஹாதேவ
மஹாதேவ மஹாதேவ மஹாதேவ மஹாதேவ //
ஶ்ரீராம ஸௌமித்ரி ஜடாயுவேத
ஷடாநநாதித்ய குஜார்ச்சிதாய /
ஶ்ரீ நீலகண்ட்டாய தயாமயாய
ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதாய நம:சி’வாய //
மருத்துவர்களுக்கெல்லாம் அரசனான மாமருந்தான ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதனை,ராம,லக்ஷ்மணர் தொழுத சி’வனை,ஜடாயு வழிபட்ட சி’வனை,நான்மறைகளும்,முருகக்கடவுளும் தொழுத சி’வனை,சூரியனும் ,செவ்வாயும் தொழுதேத்தும் சி’வனை ,காருண்ய மூர்த்தியான நீலகண்டனை ,ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதனை அடியேனும் தாள் வணங்கித் தொழுது நிற்கிறேன் .
கங்காப்ரவாஹேந்து ஜடாதராய
த்ரிலோசநாய ஸ்மரகால ஹந்த்ரே /
ஸமஸ்த தேவைரபி பூஜிதாய
ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதாய நம: சி’வாய //
மருத்துவர்களுக்கெல்லாம் அரசனான மாமருந்தான ,ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதனை ,பொங்கிப் பிரவஹிக்கும் கங்கையையும்,சந்திரனையும் சிரசில் தரித்த சி’வனை,மூன்று கண்களை உடையவரும்,மன்மதனையும்,எமனையும் வதைத்த சி’வனை,தேவர்களும் தொழுதேத்தும் ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதனை அடியேனும் தாள் வணங்கித் தொழுது நிற்கிறேன் .
பக்திப்ரியாய த்ரிபுராந்தகாய
பிநாகிநே துஷ்டஹராய நித்யம் /
ப்ரத்யக்ஷலீலாய மநுஷ்ய லோகே
ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதாய நம : சி’வாய //
மருத்துவர்களுக்கெல்லாம் அரசனான மாமருந்தான ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதனை,தன் பக்தர்கள் மீது அளப்பரிய அன்புடையவரை,முப்புரத்தை எரித்த சி’வனை,பிநாகம் என்னும் வில்லேந்தி அனுதினம் துஷ்டர்களை வதைப்பவரை, மானிடர்கள் மத்தியில் கண்டு இறைவன் சக்தியை உணரும் வண்ணம் பல லீலைகள் புரியும் ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதனை, அடியேனும் தாள்வணங்கித் தொழுது நிற்கிறேன் .
ப்ரபூதவாதாதி ஸமஸ்தரோக
ப்ரணாச’ கர்த்ரே முநிவந்திதாய /
ப்ரபாகரேந்த்வக்நி விலோசநாய
ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதாய நம : சி’வாய //
மருத்துவர்களுக்கெல்லாம் அரசனான மாமருந்தான
ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதனை,கீல்வாதம்,முடக்குவாதம் முதலான அனைத்துவிதமான பிணிகளையும் முற்றும் களையும் சி’வனை,முனிவர்கள் போற்றும் சி’வனை,சூரியன்,சந்திரன்,அக்னி ஆகியோரைத் தன் மூன்று கண்களாய் உடைய ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதனை அடியேனும் தாள்வணங்கித் தொழுது நிற்கிறேன் .
வாக் ச்’ரோத்ர நேத்ராங்க்ரி விஹீநஜந்தோ :
வாக் ச்’ரோத்ர நேத்ராங்க்ரி முகப்ரதாய /
குஷ்டாதி ஸர்வோந்நத ரோக ஹந்த்ரே
ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதாய நம : சி’வாய //
மருத்துவர்களுக்கெல்லாம் அரசனான மாமருந்தான ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதனை,பேச்சிழந்த, கேட்கும் திறனற்ற,பார்வை இழந்த , நடக்க இயலாத குறைகளை உடையவர்களுக்கருளி அவர்தம் குறைகளை நீக்கிச் செயல்படவைக்கும் இறைவனை,கொடிய நோய்களான குஷ்டம் முதலான பிணிகளை நீக்கி அருளும் ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதனை அடியேனும் தாள்வணங்கித் தொழுது நிற்கிறேன்.
வேதாந்த வேத்யாய ஜகந்மயாய
யோகீச்’வரத்யேய பதாம்புஜாய /
த்ரிமூர்த்தி ரூபாய ஸஹஸ்ர நாம்னே
ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதாய நம :சி’வாய //
மருத்துவர்களுக்கெல்லாம் அரசனான மாமருந்தான ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதனை ,வேதாந்தங்களால் அறியப்படும் இறைவனை,இந்தப்பிரபஞ்சம் முழுமைக்கும் நீக்கமற நிறைந்திருக்கும் சி’வனை,முனிவர்கள் எப்பொழுதும் தியானித்து நிற்கும் கமலத்திருவடிகளை உடைய இறைவனை,படைத்தல்,காத்தல்,அழித்தல் என்ற முத்தொழில்களின் ஸ்வரூபமாகவும்,அவற்றைக் கடந்தும் நிற்கும் ஆயிரம் திவ்ய நாமங்களை உடைய ஶ்ரீவைத்யநாதனை அடியேனும் தாள்வணங்கித் தொழுது நிற்கிறேன் .
ஸ்வதீர்த்த ம்ருத்பஸ்ம ப்ருதங்க பாஜாம்
பிசா’ச து : க்கார்த்தி பயாபஹாய /
ஆத்ம ஸ்வரூபாய ச’ரீர பாஜாம்
ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதாய நம : சி’வாய //
மருத்துவர்களுக்கெல்லாம் அரசனான மாமருந்தான
ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதனை ,பூத ,பைசா’சங்களால் ஏற்படும் பயங்களையும்,துன்பங்களையும்,தீர்த்தஸநானம் மூலமாகவும்,திருநீறு பூசுவதன் மூலமாகவும்,ஆலயத்தில் உள்ள ஸ்தல விருக்ஷத்தின் (வேப்பமரம் போன்றவை ) கீழ் உள்ள மண்ணைத் தரிப்பதன் மூலமாகவும் முற்றும் நீங்கச்செய்யும் சி’வனை,நம் உடலில் ஆத்மஸ்வரூபமாய் விளங்கும் ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதனை அடியேனும் தாள்வணங்கித் தொழுது நிற்கிறேன்.
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ஶ்ரீ நீலகண்ட்டாய வ்ருஷத்வஜாய
ஸ்ரக்கந்த பஸ்மாத்யபி சோ’பிதாய /
ஸுஃபுத்ர தாராதி ஸுபாக்யதாய
ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதாய நம : சி’வாய //
மருத்துவர்களுக்கெல்லாம் அரசனான ,மாமருந்தான ,ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதனை, நீலகண்டனை,ரிஷபக்கொடியுடைய இறைவனை,மலர் அலங்காரங்களினாலும்,திருநீற்றுப் பூச்சாலும்,சந்தனத்தாலும் மிளிரும் சி’வனை,நல்ல வாழ்க்கைத்துணையையும்,நற்சந்ததிகளையும்,சகல சௌபாக்கியங்களும் அருளும் ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதனை அடியேனும் தாள்வணங்கித் தொழுது நிற்கிறேன் .
பாலாம்பிகேச’ வைத்யேச’
பவரோக ஹரேதி ச /
ஜபேந்நாமத்ரயம் நித்யம்
மஹாரோக நிவாரணம் //
அனுதினம் மூன்று வேளைகளிலும் மேற்கண்ட ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதாஷ்டகத்தை பக்தி சிரத்தையுடன் சொல்லி பாலாம்பிகை ஸமேத ஶ்ரீ வைத்யநாதனை வழிபட அனைத்து வகையான பிணிகளும் ,பவரோகமும், அகலும் என்பது திண்ணம்.
மஹாபெரியவா திருவடிகள் சரணம்
ஜெய் ஶ்ரீ ராம்

Thought for the Day

Arjuna was the brother-in-law of Krishna; they were great friends too. Krishna undoubtedly had the power to transform in a trice the way-ward mind of his kinsman into an illumined instrument for resolute action. But Krishna did not use any of His powers! He only prescribed the medicine and the regimen; Arjuna had to swallow the drug and follow the regimen himself, in order to be saved. Krishna said, "You are My friend, you are My kinsman, you are now so near to Me that I am now your charioteer, you are also in great distress; I agree that the delusion which has overpowered you must be removed quickly; but your ignorance (ajnana) must fall off through your own efforts, not through some miracle of My design." Truth that is won by one's own struggle with untruth will be lasting treasure; the struggle will strengthen you to treasure the real treasure!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, April 6, 2020

Thought for the Day

Food on the plate, when not consumed by us or given to a hungry person, but kept unused, becomes foul. So too, when our faults and failings are not corrected, either by our own efforts or by heeding the advice of great souls who have succeeded in the cleansing process, imagine what the fate of our lives will be! Like the plate of boiled lentils (dhal) kept for too long, life will stink. People don’t recognise the truth that spiritual, moral, and behavioural values are the very crown-jewels of human achievement. When not in office, people write articles and essays on education or indulge in parrot-talks from platforms. When the same people achieve positions of authority, they practice measures quite contrary to what they spoke earlier. Of course, speeches from platforms are good, but their practice should not be paralysed. Unless this illness of speech without practice is cured, education and real scholarship will not manifest its real worth!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The sublime significance of divine wisdom can be grasped by one or communicated to another only when the pure mind sheds its revealing light. Inside a room kept scrupulously clean, no snake, scorpion or poison-bearing insect will enter - they will be present only in dark and dirty places. Similarly sacred wisdom cannot enter dark and dirty hearts. Instead, poisonous breeds like anger will find those hearts to be congenial resorts. You cannot wash a lump of coal with soap and water. Nor will washing it in milk help. The only way is to put it in fire. Fire will turn coal into a heap of white ash. Similarly, only gaining awareness of the Atma (Atmajnana) — in other words, knowledge of Brahman (Brahma-vidya) — will destroy the darkness of ignorance and the dirt of desire. Darkness can be ended only with the help of light. Darkness cannot be overwhelmed by attacking it with more darkness. Spiritual wisdom provides the inner illumination needed to destroy the inner darkness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

This world is the Lord’s residence: Isavasyam idam jagat. Therefore, no one should entertain a sense of personal possession or even a trace of egotism. Renounce the feeling of attachment and feel the presence of the Lord everywhere. Give up the feelings “I” and “you”; only then you will understand the glory of that which is neither “I” nor “mine”. This does not involve your renouncing everything. The acid test by which an activity can be confirmed as holy or sacred is to examine whether it promotes attachment or avoids bondage. The acid test to decide whether an activity is unholy or sinful is to examine whether it arises from or promotes greed. The real teaching (atma-vidya) directs that the world be dealt with as duty demands, but in a spirit of detachment and avoiding entanglement. Welcome the spiritual bliss that the Lord, the embodiment of spiritual bliss, confers on you and experience it with thankfulness and without being bound by desire.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, April 3, 2020

Those who are prepared to sacrifice what little they have for relieving others in need, are entitled to enter heaven.

Once three persons reached the gates of heaven. One of them declared that he was the master of all scriptures and therefore the gates should be opened to let him in. The guardians of the gate said: "You are familiar only with the texts. You have no practical experience. You may leave." The second man said: "I have performed many Yagas and Yajnas" (sacrificial rites and rituals). The guardians told him: "You have performed the sacrifices for selfish aims. You have no place here." The third person, a farmer, neared the gates and said: "I am a poor farmer, owning a hut on two acres of land. I have been offering food and drink to passers-by and giving them shelter when necessary. I have shared with them whatever little I had. This is all the sadhana I have been able to practice." The guardians said: "You may enter." The story illustrates the truth that only those who are prepared to sacrifice what little they have for relieving others in need, are entitled to enter heaven.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Do not speak whatever comes to your mind.

There was great unity and understanding not only among the four brothers - Rama, Lakshmana, Bharatha and Shatrughna, but also among their consorts. Every character in the Ramayana is an ideal for every family. Is there a family today where sons and daughters-in-law live in amity? Is there a family where brothers live in harmony without indulging in disputes? Nowhere do we find such an ideal family today. You may have desires, but they should be under limit. They should be based on truth and righteousness. Do not eat whatever you get. Do not speak whatever comes to your mind. You should speak only after proper enquiry. These are some of the lessons that the Ramayana teaches to mankind. Remember, the story of Rama is not an ancient one. It is eternal and ever new. It is full of auspiciousness. Give up all hatred and all differences! May you fill your heart with the sacred ideals of the Ramayana! May you live in peace and harmony!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Be established in the faith that Rama is the Reality of your existence.

Rama is the Indweller in every body. He is the Atma-Rama, the Source of Bliss in every individual. He is the very embodiment of dharma, of all the codes of morality that hold mankind together in love and unity. The Ramayana teaches two lessons: the value of detachment and the need to become aware of the Divine in every being. Faith in God and detachment from objective pursuits are the keys for human liberation. Give up sense objects, and you gain Rama. Sita gave up the luxuries of Ayodhya, so she could be with Rama, in the period of “exile”. When she cast longing eyes on the golden deer and craved for it, she lost the presence of Rama. Renunciation leads to joy; attachment brings about grief. Be in the world, but not of it. Make your heart pure and strong, contemplating the grandeur of the Ramayana. Be established in the faith that Rama is the Reality of your existence.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba