Your virtue, self-control, detachment, faith, steadfastness — these are the signs by which people read of My glory. Not that I want any such prop. But it just happens so, in this world, where people estimate others indirectly rather than directly. Let Me tell you, such devotees are very rare. That is why I do not address your gathering as, “Dear devotees!” You can lay claim to that title only when you have placed yourself in My hands, completely, with no trace of ego kept back to cater to your vanity. All ills are traceable to faulty living. And what is that traceable to? To ignorance of one’s real nature, ignorance so deep-rooted that it affects thoughts, words, and deeds. The drug that can cure it is patented under different names: spiritual wisdom (jnana), action (karma), contemplation (upasana), and devotion (bhakti). They are all the same in potency and curative power. The difference lies only in the method of administration either as mixture or as tablet or injection.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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