
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Thought for the Day

 In many countries and human communities, we have only one faith, one path, one object of adoration, one form of worship, that has sent down roots and borne fruits. This faith may be indigenous or imported, but people in these regions have learnt to assimilate it and are allergic to others. In India, on the other hand, there are, since ages, many faiths and many paths, reflecting all the urges of man which lead him inward and upward. Hence, there are manifold alternatives from which man can choose the one that suits his stage of spiritual growth and with his feet firm on that step, he can raise himself up to greater heights. Indian Culture is like the ocean, which has in it the waters of all the rivers, from all the lands, from clouds that roam across all the continents. The ocean that is the source and goal of all the rivers is the bed on which Vishnu rests! That is why Vishnu is the God that symbolises the universal aspect of the Divine Principle in the Universe as well as beyond It.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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