
Saturday, February 13, 2021

Thought for the Day

Education is not to be taken as a process of filling an empty sack and pouring out its contents, making its sack empty again. It is not the head that has to be filled through education, it is the heart that has to be cleansed, expanded and illumined. Education is for life, not a living. The sign of the educated man is the humility, that he has not been able to know the vast unknown that still remains to be explored. The educated man must realise that he has more obligations than privileges, more duties than rights. He has to serve the society amidst which he is placed and the heritage that has been handed over by forefathers. He should be delighted to serve and not desire to dominate. For, service is divine; service makes life worthwhile. Service is the best way to use one’s skills, intelligence, strength and resources.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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