
Sunday, April 16, 2023

Ages have gone by and the world has undergone many changes, but there is no transformation in the human heart.

Ages have gone by and the world has undergone many changes, but there is no transformation in the human heart. Some people say that education is bringing about a change in man. No doubt, there has been a change. But what type of change is it? It is a peculiar change that is leading to the perversion of the human mind instead of transforming his heart. In fact, modern education has added to the confusion of man. Man is not learning what he is supposed to. He is wasting his life by cultivating bestial qualities and by indulging in demonic deeds. The culture of Bharat lays great emphasis on the underlying unity in diversity. It wants us to understand this principle of unity and work for our own redemption. But we are following what is contrary to our ancient culture. So, there is a rise today in the number of so-called educated intellectuals who fragment unity into diversity, but the number of noble souls who visualise unity in diversity is on the decline. The way of life of ancient Bharatiyas was such that they evinced great concern for everyone’s welfare. They found fulfilment in giving happiness to others.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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