
Friday, July 28, 2023

What is the sacred responsibility a teacher is entrusted with?

 Parents entrust their dearly beloved children to teachers in schools, believing that they are capable and willing to guide the kids and instil into them skills and habits that can later help them to stand up against the hardships and temptations of the world. Teachers are therefore burdened with a great responsibility. When a child needs help, it rushes to the mother; when the mother needs help to equip the child with knowledge and strength of character, she rushes to the teacher. Therefore, teachers have to be more than a mother to children! A teacher’s anxiety about the child's physical, mental and moral health and their vigilant attention and care must be more constant and knowledgeable than the mother's. The teachers must speak to one another only in loving terms. They should not indulge in mutual recrimination, for the tender minds of children will be tarnished by the slightest tinge of hatred that pollutes the atmosphere of love.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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