
Monday, August 7, 2023

The educated person and the student undergoing education must both cultivate simplicity; they must discard ostentation

I like simplicity, I like the dress that will not discourage people from approaching you for a kind word, a bit of service, a helping hand. It must be clean and decent; not outlandish and queer. It should not be worn to attract attention. Just as you desire to wear clean comfortable clothes for the body, desire also clean consoling exercises for the mind, like japam, dhyanam (repetition of holy word and meditation), etc. Use the eyes to watch wholesome things, the feet to proceed to the House of God, the hands to serve the embodiments of God moving around you as men, the tongue to soothe pain, praise virtue, and glorify God. Do not use the eye to vulgarise your brain, the feet to stand in queue for deleterious films. Character is the most precious gift of education. I consider gratitude as the chief component; gratitude above all, to the parents, for this gift of life.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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