The manner of living in which delusion regarding the body (deha-bhranti) is prevalent is animal existence (pashutva). What is delusion regarding the body? It is the identification of the body with the Self (the "I"). This is the mark of animal nature in man. The real meaning of animal sacrifice is the sacrifice of the animal nature in man. Everyone must get rid of Ahamkara and Mamakara (egoism and sense of "mine"). Without sacrificing these animal tendencies, sacrificing dumb animals is unworthy of human beings. God accepts the bad and gives good in return. The word “bali” is used with references to sacrifices in yagas. What is the “bali” to be offered in sacrifices? It is offering one's bad qualities and bad thoughts to the Divine. How can one offer bad things to God? God alone can accept such offerings and give good things in return! No one else in the world will accept the bad and give what is good in return!
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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