
Tuesday, December 5, 2023

What is the special gift of being born human?

Man suffers because he has developed hunger as vast as the sky, with a throat as narrow as a needle. His throat must become as vast as the earth; his heart must blossom wide through shanti and sahana; that is, through equanimity, and fortitude. Then the desire of man for full lasting undiluted ananda (bliss) can be attained. Once a being has evolved into man, there is no relapse for him into lower forms of life; for man alone is capable of viveka and vichakshana (discrimination and wisdom); when he suffers, he worries why suffering has become his lot; he concludes that the cause must be sought, not in the vagaries of God or the whims of others, but in himself; if not in the present life, then in previous lives. Man alone can analyse his mental reactions and feelings and draw conclusions therefrom.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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