
Friday, May 3, 2024

Why should we prioritise our life to yearn for the Lord, to love Him, see Him in all and serve Him?

 Riches and wealth are short-lived; office and authority are temporary; life-breath is a flickering flame in the wind. Youth is a three-day fair. Pleasures and fortunes are bundles of sorrow. Knowing this, if man devotes this limited term of life to the service of the Lord, then, he is indeed blessed. Seek refuge at the Feet of the Lord even before the life-breath flies out of the cage of the body. It is an open cage! Any moment, the bird may fly into the outer regions. That is the fact. The ignorant do not realise this; they beat their drums and proclaim proudly how rich they are or how happy they are, surrounded by sons and grandsons. Alas, the very physical frame which is so carefully nourished since birth rots and falls aside! What then shall we say of those who feel that these other things are "mine"? Theirs is but a delusion of an insane mind. Everything is untrue, everything is impermanent; castles in the air, constructions in dreams. Contemplate on this Truth; approach Sri Hari and glorify Him; that alone can confer on you permanent joy!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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