
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Every one should cultivate good thoughts and eschew all bad feelings

1.Everyone should cultivate good thoughts and eschew all bad feelings. God has no dislike for anyone and is free of envy and ill-will. He does not have any favourites. The grace one receives is the result of one's own feelings. "Bhaavaatheetham thriguna rahitham" (The Divine is beyond feelings and attributes). He is "Ekam Sathyam Vimalam Achalam" (One, the Truth, Pure and Immovable). He is "sarvadhee saakshibhuutham" (the eternal witness in all minds). When devotees complain they are being punished by the Lord in various ways, they do not realize that God does not punish them. It is their own fears and desires that cause their troubles. A true devotee recognizes that all suffering is the consequence of one’s own bad thoughts and actions.

2.Unless you are filled with God’s Love, no amount of knowledge will give you peace. The craze for money is the cause of all the world’s ills. As craving for wealth increases, the yearning for God declines. Due to the desire for riches, other evil qualities like pride, greed, envy and hatred have grown among humanity. Wealth is necessary but it is the treasure of Divine Grace and Love that will last forever and preserve you; all other things are transient. You should also realize that God responds only to deep and genuine devotion; verbal supplications will not suffice. You must yearn so that God’s heart will melt. Even soft butter will melt only when you heat it. Likewise the warmth of Bhakthi (love for the Lord) has to be applied to the butter of the human heart, to make God melt.

3.The Divine incarnates from age to age for the purpose of protecting the virtuous, punishing the wicked and establishing righteousness. Lord Krishna was one such manifestation of the Divine. In fulfilling His pledge to Mother Earth, He rid the world of many wicked rulers and sought to establish the reign of righteousness for the protection of the good. But today if the Divine wanted to punish the wicked and protect the righteous, He would not find even one wholly righteous person and all would qualify for punishment! Nowadays, it is not a question of destroying the wicked, but of transforming Adharma (unrighteousness) into Dharma (righteousness). This has to be done through love alone.

4.Krishna is the embodiment of divine Love. The very word ‘Krishna’ means one who attracts: Karshatiti Krishna - ‘Krishna is one who attracts’. Krishyatiti Krishna - ‘Krishna is one who nurtures’, is another derivation of the name. This means that Lord Krishna cultivates devotees’ hearts, by removing weeds, sowing the seeds of good qualities and tending the crop of love. We can also say, Kushyatiti Krishna, meaning, ‘He who gives delight’. Krishna thus means, the one who cultivates our hearts and nurtures in them the crop of bliss. The principal message of Krishna’s life, is divine Love. This most precious divine Love is immensely powerful, resplendent and as indestructible as diamonds. In the same way that diamonds can only be cut with another diamond, if you want to experience such divine love, your love for God must be equally strong.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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