1.You may think that you are enjoying the pleasures, but really speaking it is the pleasures that are enjoying you. They sap your energies, dry up your discrimination, consume your allotted years, and infest your mind with egoism, envy, malice, hatred, greed and lust. The scriptures teach that it is important to remove these weeds from the garden of the heart; and in the grounds thus cleared, one must plant the saplings of Prema (love) and cultivate the fruit bearing trees of Dharma (virtue). Many who claim to revere the Vedas and Shaastras (scriptures) are not practising what they preach. Never plunge into action spurred by impulses; ponder deeply over the pros and cons, and then act so that you escape pain and also do not inflict it on others. This is true in worldly as well as spiritual matters.
2.Mahatma Gandhi looked upon India as one country and planted the seed of unity between faiths and communities. This quickly grew, under his guidance into a big tree. He built a great spiritual movement on the basis of Atmabalam (soul-force) that strengthened the people’s unity and self-esteem. While the freedom movement was alive, the selfishness that had held back progress in material, moral, political and spiritual fields, was suppressed. And though the people suffered, it was but a prelude to their success. Sathyagraha is the path of Truth and Love - of the means being as pure as the ends. Gandhi could mould the people of this land and be hailed as the Father of the Nation as he was humble enough to accept criticism gratefully and learn from others.
3.In this age of Kali, human beings move around like cruel beasts. Compassion is vanishing and ostentation is the order of the day. People claim to love God, but hardly one in a million actually does so. To deride God during times of adversity and to praise Him when all goes well, is not real love for the Divine. Divine love does not flinch in the face of difficulties, nor does it gloat over prosperity; it remains equally serene come what may. Life is full of transient ups and downs, but true love should remain unaffected by this. As long as you are full of hatred, the world too will appear so. It is only when you develop love, the dualism of good and evil can be transcended and you can experience the joy of oneness with the Divine.
4.You are aware that fire is created when one stick is rubbed vigorously against another. Is it friction between the two sticks that produces the fire? No! Fire is latent in the wood and emerges from rubbing the sticks together. The fire hidden imperceptibly in the wood, is made manifest by sadhana (the process of rubbing the sticks). The wooden sticks symbolise the inert human body, in which the fire of divine wisdom (Jnana) is ever present in subtle form. Divine power pervades every part of your body. You should put it to proper use and become a treasure-house of good conduct and pure qualities. Then depending on the state of purity of the temple of your body, the divine power will manifest in you.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
2.Mahatma Gandhi looked upon India as one country and planted the seed of unity between faiths and communities. This quickly grew, under his guidance into a big tree. He built a great spiritual movement on the basis of Atmabalam (soul-force) that strengthened the people’s unity and self-esteem. While the freedom movement was alive, the selfishness that had held back progress in material, moral, political and spiritual fields, was suppressed. And though the people suffered, it was but a prelude to their success. Sathyagraha is the path of Truth and Love - of the means being as pure as the ends. Gandhi could mould the people of this land and be hailed as the Father of the Nation as he was humble enough to accept criticism gratefully and learn from others.
3.In this age of Kali, human beings move around like cruel beasts. Compassion is vanishing and ostentation is the order of the day. People claim to love God, but hardly one in a million actually does so. To deride God during times of adversity and to praise Him when all goes well, is not real love for the Divine. Divine love does not flinch in the face of difficulties, nor does it gloat over prosperity; it remains equally serene come what may. Life is full of transient ups and downs, but true love should remain unaffected by this. As long as you are full of hatred, the world too will appear so. It is only when you develop love, the dualism of good and evil can be transcended and you can experience the joy of oneness with the Divine.
4.You are aware that fire is created when one stick is rubbed vigorously against another. Is it friction between the two sticks that produces the fire? No! Fire is latent in the wood and emerges from rubbing the sticks together. The fire hidden imperceptibly in the wood, is made manifest by sadhana (the process of rubbing the sticks). The wooden sticks symbolise the inert human body, in which the fire of divine wisdom (Jnana) is ever present in subtle form. Divine power pervades every part of your body. You should put it to proper use and become a treasure-house of good conduct and pure qualities. Then depending on the state of purity of the temple of your body, the divine power will manifest in you.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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