1.At times, your mind may wander to a multitude of things, refusing to remain focused on God. Like the fly that goes everywhere but avoids the fire, the mind flees from all thoughts of God. The fly will be destroyed if it goes into the fire; the wavering mind is also vanquished, when it dwells on God. Let the Name of God, Rama enter your mind, and kaama (desire) will be destroyed. Desire ceases to exist in a mind where God resides. Make your own heart a Prashanthi Nilayam, an abode of peace. This transformation must begin now: analyse your words, deeds, and thoughts and get rid of those that harm you and others. Then, cultivate instead, fortitude (sahana), peacefulness (Shaanthi) and Truth (Sathya).
2.During the ten days of the Dussera festival, the rakshasas or demons, were destroyed. Rakshasas are not demonic beings but people’s bad qualities such as arrogance and negative thinking. When the Lord metes out a punishment, it may appear harsh. The penalty depends on the time, place and the circumstances in which the Lord acts. Butter can be cut with a finger, but a hammer is needed to break a piece of iron. The Lord deals with sattwic (peaceful) people in a sattwic way and uses rajasic (excitable) means against a rajasic person. Fearful forms and qualities have been attributed to the Divine, but this is not correct. The Divine has only one attribute: Love. Love is God and it pervades the Cosmos. View the world through the eyes of love and you will experience bliss.
3.The term Devi represents the Divine power, which has taken a mighty form to suppress the forces of evil and protect righteousness. Whenever the forces of injustice and selfishness grow to frightening proportions, and when people have lost all sense of compassion, God assumes a form of Sakthi (the female divine principle), to destroy the rampant evil. Develop good qualities and cultivate love among the people. Spiritual festivals are meant to promote divine love in us. It is to confer such love on the people that the Lord incarnates on earth. He showers His love on everyone and teaches us how to love. Experience this love and joy in your life and live in peace.
4.Love is the most important factor in life. If you pray to God with intense love and devotion, your prayers will certainly be answered. Such is the power of love. Devoid of love one cannot achieve anything, even in this mundane world. Love is God, live in love! The whole universe becomes a vacuum without love. Realise this truth! There is no greater power than humanness in this world. All that we experience in the outside world is only a reaction, reflection and resound of the inner being. Let the flame of your love be steady, and unwavering. There is no greater sadhana (spiritual practice) than love. That is the spiritual practice you have to adopt at all times. Divinity is omnipresent. Practise Divine Love, so you can realize the omnipresent Divinity within your own self
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
2.During the ten days of the Dussera festival, the rakshasas or demons, were destroyed. Rakshasas are not demonic beings but people’s bad qualities such as arrogance and negative thinking. When the Lord metes out a punishment, it may appear harsh. The penalty depends on the time, place and the circumstances in which the Lord acts. Butter can be cut with a finger, but a hammer is needed to break a piece of iron. The Lord deals with sattwic (peaceful) people in a sattwic way and uses rajasic (excitable) means against a rajasic person. Fearful forms and qualities have been attributed to the Divine, but this is not correct. The Divine has only one attribute: Love. Love is God and it pervades the Cosmos. View the world through the eyes of love and you will experience bliss.
3.The term Devi represents the Divine power, which has taken a mighty form to suppress the forces of evil and protect righteousness. Whenever the forces of injustice and selfishness grow to frightening proportions, and when people have lost all sense of compassion, God assumes a form of Sakthi (the female divine principle), to destroy the rampant evil. Develop good qualities and cultivate love among the people. Spiritual festivals are meant to promote divine love in us. It is to confer such love on the people that the Lord incarnates on earth. He showers His love on everyone and teaches us how to love. Experience this love and joy in your life and live in peace.
4.Love is the most important factor in life. If you pray to God with intense love and devotion, your prayers will certainly be answered. Such is the power of love. Devoid of love one cannot achieve anything, even in this mundane world. Love is God, live in love! The whole universe becomes a vacuum without love. Realise this truth! There is no greater power than humanness in this world. All that we experience in the outside world is only a reaction, reflection and resound of the inner being. Let the flame of your love be steady, and unwavering. There is no greater sadhana (spiritual practice) than love. That is the spiritual practice you have to adopt at all times. Divinity is omnipresent. Practise Divine Love, so you can realize the omnipresent Divinity within your own self
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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