
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thought for the Day

1.What exists is only the perceiver of both the dream and the waking state - the "I”. Know that “I”; and know that “I” is the same as ”He” (God). You can know this only by intense spiritual discipline, that is not marred by anger, envy and greed - the vices that sprout from ego. You have to carefully watch and control these vices. When you get angry, you act as if you are possessed by an evil spirit; your face becomes ugly and frightful. Like the red bulb winking when danger is approaching, your eyes and face become red and act as a warning to you. Heed that signal and quietly get away to a lonely spot. Do not give free vent to wicked words. Once you grow in wisdom, ego will naturally fall away. So develop wisdom and discriminate by knowing the ephemeral nature of all objective things. Then ego will die a natural death from the field of your heart and you will attain salvation.

2.Generally, people seek only happiness and joy; under no circumstance do they desire misery and grief! They treat happiness and joy as their closest well-wishers, and misery and grief as their sworn enemies. This is a great mistake. When you are happy, the risk of grief is great; fear of losing the happiness will haunt you. Misery prompts inquiry, discrimination, self-examination and fear of worse things that might happen. It awakens you from sloth and conceit. Face the dualities of life with thithiksha (fortitude). But be aware, thithiksha is different from patience (Sahana). Patience is putting up with something; tolerating or bearing with it because you have no other choice. Fortitude is having the capacity to overcome it, but yet, disregarding it - that is the spiritual discipline. Putting up with the external world of duality with inner equanimity and peace is the path that will lead you to liberation. Bear all, with analytical discrimination - this type of patience will yield good results.

3.Dwell always on lofty thoughts. When air fills a football, it takes the form of a ball. When it enters a balloon, it takes the shape of the balloon, oval or spherical. So too, the mind takes the form of the objects with which it is attached. If it gets fixed on small things, it becomes small. If it is focussed on noble and grand ideas, it becomes noble and grand. The camera takes a picture of whatever it is pointed at, so is the case with the mind. Discriminate before you develop attachment. If your attachment is towards spouse and children, lands and buildings, bank accounts and balances, you will experience grief when they decline. Develop sincere and steady attachment towards the Divine and you will grow in love and splendour. Devotion is not a matter of beads and beards, nor is worship signified by flowers, camphor or bell-ringing. You are judged by your spiritual discipline, thoughts and sense-control.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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