1.By the time it rains, if seeds have not been sown, will there be any crop in the field? If seeds are sown but there is no rain, will any cultivation happen? Both rain and seeds are needed for the harvest to be reaped. Likewise, Divine Grace will bear fruit only when there is human effort too. When there are good thoughts in the mind, they will be reflected as noble actions; on the other hand if the thoughts are ill-disposed, the fruits thereof will be equally bad. Different devotees are bound to differ in their ways of worshipping God. But whatever the method of worship, there must be one-pointed devotion. Love towards God is devotion. Love towards the world is attachment. Develop love for God.
2.The wise one (Jnani) is ever happy and this happiness does not depend on objects outside. You may wonder how; it is because such people are content with whatever happens to them, well or ill, as they are convinced that the Lord's will must prevail. Want of this contentment is a sign of a ajnani (unwise person). The ajnani piles one wish on another, builds one plan after another and pines perpetually; he or she worries and sets one’s own heart ablaze with greed. On the other hand, the Jnani is unshaken, steady and ever jubilant! The Jnanis may be engaged in karma (actions) but they are not affected in the least by it, as they have no eye on the fruit of their actions.
3.Though your parents have endowed you with this physical body (deha), it is the Guru who points out to you the Indweller of the body. To make the gold more amenable to ornament making, it is alloyed by the addition of a little silver or copper. So too in order to manifest the multiple variety of Nature, the Brahmathathwam (Divine essence) is converted into an alloy, with the addition of a little egoism or mamakaaram. The Guru teaches one to regain the pure unalloyed state through the process of Sravanam, Mananam and Nidhidhyaasam (Listening to, recapitulating and meditating on God’s glories). Through this process, one can understand that the individual Self is one and the same as the Divine Self and is infact, facet of the same entity.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
2.The wise one (Jnani) is ever happy and this happiness does not depend on objects outside. You may wonder how; it is because such people are content with whatever happens to them, well or ill, as they are convinced that the Lord's will must prevail. Want of this contentment is a sign of a ajnani (unwise person). The ajnani piles one wish on another, builds one plan after another and pines perpetually; he or she worries and sets one’s own heart ablaze with greed. On the other hand, the Jnani is unshaken, steady and ever jubilant! The Jnanis may be engaged in karma (actions) but they are not affected in the least by it, as they have no eye on the fruit of their actions.
3.Though your parents have endowed you with this physical body (deha), it is the Guru who points out to you the Indweller of the body. To make the gold more amenable to ornament making, it is alloyed by the addition of a little silver or copper. So too in order to manifest the multiple variety of Nature, the Brahmathathwam (Divine essence) is converted into an alloy, with the addition of a little egoism or mamakaaram. The Guru teaches one to regain the pure unalloyed state through the process of Sravanam, Mananam and Nidhidhyaasam (Listening to, recapitulating and meditating on God’s glories). Through this process, one can understand that the individual Self is one and the same as the Divine Self and is infact, facet of the same entity.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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